Title: Proposing to Colin Morgan
Rated: PG
Summary: My second attempt at proper fanfiction. Luckily, Colin doesn't read things on the internet.
Notes: Actually, this was written with
They'd just gone out for tea, Colin and Bradley. Some place quiet, out of the way, where the tables were cramped and chairs backed into each other. Nothing posh because Col didn't like posh things so much. It was cold this particular night in Cardiff and filming had almost wrapped up for this series. They'd had a few drinks between them and decided to just walk back instead of risking Bradley's driving whilst a bit (just a bit) buzzed. He looked over to Col, hunched over and still being swallowed up by his clothes. Bradley supposed he couldn't blame Col as now nearly everyone had started to recognize them. He found he couldn't care less.
It'd started with, "What the hell are you saying?" As he couldn't understand a single word out of Colin's mouth. Which then progressed to, "This man is nutters." Then became, "What a dark sense of humour...I rather like it!'. Angel became the poor recipient of their combined attention to practical jokes. Three years ago, that was. Since Colin and Bradley met, since the world was introduced to Prince Arthur and Merlin. A friendship blossomed.
That friendship progressed to 'Fancy tea Friday?' and a shy smile with 'yeah' attached to it. It was an Indian place. Bradley always remembered and took him there every anniversary. All two of them. Maybe three. He wasn't so great at remembering things (but don't tell Col that).
Which lead them here. Walking home from that place with the small tables and chairs. His hand just so happened to find Col's, twining the digits together. "Should get married." he announced, completely casual about the entire idea. Bradley's heart pounded in his chest.
He felt Colin smirk from somewhere within that hoodie of his. "...long as you're the one wearing the dress."
"Good, because Colin James has a nice sound to it." he continued on.
Col raised an eyebrow at him. "Why not Bradley Morgan?"
He simply scoffed at the idea. "Because Bradley Morgan sounds odd."
"And Colin James doesn't?" the dark haired man quipped with another grin.
"Nope." They walked on a bit more, silence passing between them.
"What about...Bradley Morgan-James?" the quiet voice offered. They stopped by a park, well lit so that Tony would kick both their arses for getting murdered the next day.
He pretended to think on the subject. "I'll compromise to both of us being James-Morgan? Alphabetical order." Col simply smiled at him. "So...yeah?" he asked, hesitant.
Colin tightened his hold around Bradley's fingers and smiled. "Yeah."
"Great, that means I don't need to hold onto this anymore." Bradley pulled the velvet box from his pocket and descended onto one knee. Colin's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "Colin Morgan, will you--"
"Will I what?"
Bradley blinked a few times. Cast and crew surrounded them. He was at a table. Oh. right. It's lunch. They've just called for lunch and he'd just completely blanked out for a moment. Colin waved his hand in front of Bradley's face. "Y'all right there?"
He cleared his throat and took another bite of he beef stew before him. "Yeah, Col, just spaced out for a moment. Nothing to be overtly concerned about." The Irishman laughed and shook his head before returning to some inane conversation with Katie. Probably about shamrocks or leprechauns or something. Bradley reached down into his pocket, still feeling the velvet box hidden away from view. Maybe tonight. They were gonna go try out that new cafe nearby anyway.