(no subject)

Apr 17, 2013 05:35

Welp, I leave in a week. This semester was a bust, I learned nothing, I will never be able to speak Japanese. Read, maybe. Speak, never. Had the oral portion of my final Monday. It stated with the teacher scolding me for only being one minute early when she said to be five minutes early. I assumed that was just a thing the teachers said to prevent you from being late. I mean, if you're one minute early, that's still on time isn't it? So yeah, that helped. I bombed it really really miserably. I'm pretty sure they're supposed to be easy too. I mean, if you can understand spoken Japanese, which I can't. For some reason, in the dialogue we had to read, I was consistently reading 'karate no saakuru' as 'karate to saakaru'. That isn't how you spell soccer in Japanese, but I always think it is, and I was just assuming that it was a group of people who did karate and played soccer. It never crossed my mind that that was stupid, because these dialogues tend to be stupid. I couldn't understand the questions on the dialogue, but according to somehow who took it after me, one of them was 'what was good about going out drinking with the karate group', which is a really stupid question. The first thing it says was that he didn't like drinking, so like, even if I understood it I'd have been confused. Bleh.

Went home, fell asleep around 10pm, got up around 3:30am, decided to take a nap around 7:30am. Didn't stop to consider that I was taking a nap with the lights off, and no alarm set. Figured getting 5 hours of sleep prior negated the odds of me sleeping for a ridiculously long amount of time. I am an idiot who never learns anything from his experience, and I slept until 7:20pm. Just a few minutes too late to make the atm. Fantastic. I leave in a week, and I'm just sitting around, not writing that paper that's due tomorrow. I'm having such a hard time caring, even for me. It's ridiculous. I hate this medicine.

Like an enormous faggot, I bought the Queen's Gate PSP game the other week, because it is an SRPG where Dizzy is playable, and that makes it worth 1650 yen without question to me. It's actually not bad. I mean it's super easy, but considering I can barely read anything, I'm ok with that. I just wish they didn't re-use the same bosses over and over and over and over and over and over. And over and over. Pretty sure I'm near the end. I'm on chapter 37, how many more could there be. I've been watching Roseanne, and The Critic on youtube while I play. What a good thing to be doing in Japan. Eh, I mostly do it during the early AMs, but it's still definitely off. Watching The Critic again makes me feel really old. The last time I'd seen that show was when I was like 12, but mostly I saw it when it first aired...it's not quite as good as I remember, but it's still pretty alright. The opening sure is classier than it has any reason to be.

Oh hey it's bright out. Too bad Japan opens and closes so late and early. I hope I don't sleep through the entire portion of the day that qualifies as 'the day' again. I leave so soon, and I have a final the day before I leave, ug. I tried to go to that Warehouse arcade in Kawasaki the other day, but I didn't print the direction because I figured I couldn't miss it. You basically just go past the Lotteria, turn right, walk as far as you can, turn left, walk like a block, then turn right and you can't miss it. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the Loterria, and went the wrong way. Found it on my way back though! Maybe I'll try again before I leave, but I dunno, it's probably a waste of time, I just figured it was something to do. At least I can say I've been in Kawasaki. There sure are motorcycles there. And the Tsutaya with the worst prices I've ever seen! I guess the pricing isn't standardized at those places, because there were literally no bargains on anything. The one in Shibuya usually has plenty, just usually not on games I want. Oh, and there was a Krispy Kreme in the station that had Sakura and Matcha donuts. The Sakura ones may have been jelly filled, and were 200 yen, so I went for the matcha (which was 180, which is still too much for a donut) and it was quite good. It's too bad that flavor doesn't exist in the US. At all. Anywhere, in anything.

What was I getting at again. I dunno. I hate most things that aren't Virtua Fighter right now. I've been eating really poorly because of my sleep schedule the last few days. I can never tell when I should be eating / when I've gone too long without eating when I wake up at weird times. I'm probably due, but like, I kind of want to nap? I dunno. Life is hard. I sort of wish I had factored in my intense fear of interacting with people before deciding to try to learn Japanese, but it seemed like the desire to do something productive was something to act on. I certainly don't regret learning what I've learned, and I absolutely don't regret coming here, but I was hoping for sort of a second chance, and I feel like instead I got a glimpse into what could have been. Whatever, I'm still young...ish. I haven't completely given up. I'm just really tired, and afraid of everything and everyone. I don't know if that fear stems from hatred or the other way around, but that's probably important, and something I should figure out. This really seems like the kind of entry that should be proof-read, but guess what, nope.
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