OJamas! Also, Joe Mallozzi does good, and documentary love.

Jul 27, 2008 14:57

Alex Gibney, you, sir, can make a documentary.

I saw Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr Hunter S Thompspon at the film festival last night, and it was awesome.

I now really want to see Taxi to the Dark Side. I'm almost, maybe, thinking about taking time off work to see it as they only have day showings left. :(

I saw a lot of squee about this ep, and while the trailer did look cool, I was worried, because you know, it's a Joe Malozzi ep, and while his eps are not all bad, they do have a habit of being down the bottom end of the SGA Episodes of Awesome spectrum. (The criteria are not only McShep scenes, though I don't deny that they may uh, help).

However, you know, it was pretty squee worthy. There were many adorable team moments from all concerned, and you know, continuity, from Season Two, and Piano!Rodney, and wow.

Woolsey was also unexpectedly wonderful. From holding Torrin, to the two scenes with Teyla and his relaxing suit and classical music.

There were also many awesome Joe faces including the floundering face when Teyla wants to talk to him, and his reaction to the coffee at the end. <3

Jason also rocked this ep hard.

Kanaan FTW.

Unexpected John back story mention. "Because I've been there." <3!

"We. are. going. to. get. ronon. back" John! Reassuring Rodney! And being all protective and gruff. And then Rodney's follow up. And the reassuring arm pat. Yep, I am an easy 'shipper.

Also, I just read Joe Mallozzi's write up of Broken Ties and this:

SHEPPARD: Okay, but I’m not getting in a bath with you.
MCKAY: I’m both relieved and slightly disappointed. Now, let’s review.

Got cut!



Also, Brad Wright mentioned at ComiCon that there a scene in "The Shrine" between John and Rodney which may be one of his favourite ever. <3! When is this episode airing. When?!

Anyway, I should go out and procure food and caffeine. Oh, withdrawal headaches they are awesome.

Dark Knight tomorrow!

Also, finally, OJamas! Heee. I just find the phrase hilarous and fun to say. Also, they're cool pajamas.

sga, documentarylove, movies, hunter s thompson, caffeine

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