I had a pretty crappy day at work. I was over-tired because I was up until *cough*3am*cough* trying to figure out a network card driver issue and on top of that I spent most of my day doing a rather monotonous task (OMG if I ever have to edit another footer) which had some rather crazy time-pressure, and I kept getting requests to do other things and cranky e-mails which made me feel like I wasn't doing my job properly, which to be fair is someone else's who I'm filling in for, and I already think I'm blowing it ... yeah, anyway, crappy day.
And then I came home and watched 'Tao of Rodney.'
OMG. I laughed. I cried. I flailed.
'Really, I'm the wind beneath his wings.' *dies*
'I'll keep at eye on him.' John, you sure did volunteer awfully quickly there.
And John was adorable, totally wanting to be next on the superhero machine.
That ending? With Rodney saying goodbye to everyone? Broke me into little tiny pieces. I was hoping for a little more with John, but honestly ... I just adored what he got. I think the Zelenka goodbye was my favourite, but, but Teyla and RONON! And the hug! Both of them!
And Zelenka's determination to keep working to help Rodney, and Rodney's face when he saw Zelenka on the infirmary table, and were those tears in Sheppard's eyes? I was imagining that, wasn't I?
My heart just broke for Rodney at the end knowing how important everything was, but not remembering how to do it.
Much, much love to this episode.
I'm feeling a lot better now. ;)
I really thought that fandom was overselling the gay on this show, but dude, they so aren't.
(I also caught 'Echoes' which wasn't quite as flail-inducing, except for the fact that Sheppard and Rodney followed each other around the entire time).
Oh, I adore these mood icons sometimes. *stares*