Damn, House rocked tonight.
So much Wilson! I felt so spoiled and all of it just rocked. RSL, much love.
Also, so much House/Wilson. House followed him out of his ... house, and House so wanted Wilson to move back in with him. I also loved House's calls about Wilson's character. 'His name's not Wilson, and he's way more screwed up than I am.' Hee!
And House piano playing!
Also on a shallow note. Mmm, RSL in jeans and a sweatshirt. And well, Hugh. Mmm. I was looking at
these pics from 'Safe' the other day and guh. Looking at pretty people can really cheer you up sometimes.
And Chase! With the whiteboard, and the moment with House near the end. I'm not really a House/Chase 'shipper, but I do have a weakness for their moments and whenever Chase gets a chance to actually have a character moment.
All in all, a very enjoyable ep. Oh, show.
Random: I really feel grateful to have friends that humour me and listen to me in my insane moments.
Random II: Keith Richards really shouldn't cheer me up as much as he does. Just, eee. Still not over him singing love songs to his guitar.