Reporting from Wellington

Nov 17, 2005 16:48

Updating from my backpackers in Wellington. I meant to update before I left but I had a small panic on Tuesday and before I knew it I had to get out the door. So, they'll be some nice and delayed reports on television shows when I get back because they're already typed up in Semagic.

So, Wellington? Rather wonderful really. I've hung out with my friend who lives up here and her really cool friends, wandered around a lot, spent too much money and made some (very small) progress on the job front. It's been a lot of fun.

On the job front, I've basically come to the conclusion that I'll have to move up here before finding a job. I'd hoped to move up here to a job but I don't know how realistic an expectation that was. The job hunt is rather a frigtening experience but I have to keep telling myself I do want this. It works, most of the time.

I don't know if being up here for so long was a great idea, especially as my friend is flying to Christchurch tomorrow and I know few other people up here, but I'll survive. I have lots of books to read and Wellington is always fun to wander around.

However, I have an appointment with a recruitment company tomorrow. Eeep. A little freaked out to be honest, but then that's not really that hard to do.

This afternoon, I finally got to see a session of Parliament live. I've wanted to do it for ages and sitting in the Public Gallery was a lot of fun actually. I was there for Question Time and then for one rather scary rant session of Tony Ryall and Paul Swain. I was geekily amused. They are just so bitchy. It's hilarious, and not at the same time. They resemble kids in a playground in just a few too many ways.

Anyway, I think I'm going to hunt down something to eat. Possibly Indian, yum.


Other people's House!squee makes me happy. I mean it, I was reading people's ep reports and grinning stupidly at the screen. I'm a dork.

Disclaimer: I haven't seen it.

More Wilson and Cameron scenes. Hmm. If the show goes Wilson/Cameron in any way, I will throw things. Throw them. Right across the room. I'm not saying it's going to and in a way I actually kinda like they're scenes together but the thought of anything 'shippy just makes me shudder a little. You just don't mess with House and Wilson's friendship by putting her in the middle. I don't mind some triangles but when two of the sides are really close friends - like House and Wilson, Ryan and Seth or Dan and Casey - it just really annoys me. And it's not because I am a diehard H/W shipper - as I like other House and Wilson pairings - just not when they're competing, if that's really the right word, against one another. I was thinking if it was Cuddy instead of Cameron, but that would annoy me too - just maybe not so much.

Rant over.

Looks like it was quite the episode. Wilson character moments!

You know the first thing I'm doing when I walk in the door on Sunday is setting up this DL.

wellington, house

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