I tried to try and pick caps that represented eps or moments in eps that I really liked but I was limited by what I had on my computer as I wanted to cap things myself (I don't really know why, I'm odd), though in the end I did visit caps sites for some of the newer shows I'm watching.
House 121: Three Stories
I chose this because it's my favourite ep of the season and the way they showed the room filling was a really clever touch in a very clever episode. I am a huge fan of non-linear storytelling and flashbacks.
Without A Trace 101: Pilot
Chosen mostly for the moment that it leads up to. ;) The Pilot isn't my favourite ep of S1 but I adore the moment that Jack and Sam share here because it shows how the Hank was laying the background for the affair storyline and well, ALP and Poppy are wonderful.
The West Wing 406: Game On
Easily one of my favourite eps of S4. I love the conversations that Sam and Will have and the 'tie' theme also worked really well. When this show works, I just love it to tiny bits.
Stargate SG1 414: The Serpent's Venom
Another chosen for the moment it leads up to, this time between Jack and Daniel. Ah, the snark. I found the clip I have on my computer of this moment year after I watched the ep, and I still remembered the snark about 'archeaology.com.' Daniel <3
Alias 101: Pilot
[enter remarks about non-linear storytelling and flashbacks]. When I go back to watch the occassional epsidoe of Alias, I go back to this ep. It was just really well done and I remember what I like about this show, even with its faults.
House 118: Babies and Bathwater
Yeah, no surprise that the two screencaps are from this show. Just, love this scene and well, Wilson and his ties. <3
Firefly 115: Objects in Space
Quite possibly my favourite ep of the (far, far too short, damn you FOX) run - though with Firefly it really is a very, very hard call to make. Just, so well done.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 622: Grave
I admit I am a bit of an on-off Buffy fan but I do like this ep quite a lot and especially the moments when Buffy and Giles re-unite. The hug! The laughing! Anyway, this cap was supposed to represent that, though it is rather obvious.
Sportsnight 219: April is the Cruelest Month
Beacuse it's Dan and it's Casey and they're wonderful and wow, do I have to get this on DVD and after finding
this set of caps I am oh so close to running over to Amazon right now. Damn.
Spooks 104: Traitor's Gate
I chose this particular cap because hey look it's Hugh Laurie guest-starrring! It still makes me a little bit o.O to see his before-House stuff (Blackadder <3), even though I saw a lot of it and loved Hugh Laurie before House started. Anyway, enough with Hugh, I also chose this because Spooks/M1-5 is a wonderful show and I really needed to have it represented somehow.
Doctor Who (2005): The End of the World
When I first watched this ep and commented in here, I mentioned this phone-call moment which made me cry completely out of nowhere. It was just so touching for some reason.
Grey's Anatomy 101: A Hard Day's Night
Chosen rather randomly because I wanted to have an equal amount of caps, but I do love this ep and this show.
Interview tomorrow. I'm strangely calm.
I really want Sportsnight DVDs right now.
*shifty look towards Amazon*
Edit: I am so weak *headdesk* However, I am a weak person who will have Sportsnight DVDs in 10-14 days. So, that's something I suppose.