I finally finished A Feast For Crows yesterday.
OMG that note at the end from GRRM annoyed me so much for some reason! It just came across as a little smug after that book felt so meandering, and made me actually start to skim in chapters of characters that I actually like (Brienne, Arya)! Nothing seemed to be leading anywhere and it annoyed me.
The only plot that did really capture my attention was Jamie and Cersei at the castle, and then mostly just Jamie. Someway, somehow he became my favourite character in these books. It started with A Storm of Swords and it's just gotten worse. I was surviving this book from one of his chapters to the next ngl. I'm torn about whether I want to see him go back for Cersei or not. I'm not a big Cersei fan but she is interesting, and Jamie does love her and it's so nice and complicated.
Also I sort of came to love Margarey. I've never disliked her, but she did come into her own in this. Poor Loras though. You saw it coming but .... poor Loras.
Did love Gendry popping up again though. <3
I've thought about reading ADWD next but it's in stupidly expensive and heavy hardback at the moment, and after this book, I'm okay with giving it a little break because I think from what I hear ADWD is meandering too, just with the other characters we didn't seen in AFFC. (Oh god Bran chapters ... )
But in happier pop culture happenings, I did see Captain American on Tuesday.
I like Cap fine - I mean, Tony/Steve are one of my comic books OTPs - but I wasn't that exited for this movie. I thought it looked a little bit boring, but it really was damn good. I even think I preferred the slower start of the movie to the end of it, where I thought things had gone on just a little too long. Stanely Tucci was awesome at the start. In fact, the whole cast I thought were excellent. Sebastian Stan, Tommy Lee Jones, Hugo Weaving, Hayley Atwell (Peggy! <3), Chris Evans. This was probably the best acted of all the comic book movies. (Don't get me wrong Fassbender and McAvoy were all sorts of awesome in XMFC, but there was also some very average performances in that movie).
I must admit to not knowing how much this differed from comics canon (and which canon they used), but I like that the Norse mythology has been tied in at this point, as Thor is clearly going to interact with Steve at some point in the future. God I can't wait to see Steve and Tony, it's going to be ridiculous. Tony and Thor were amusing enough in the small clip at the end of the credits.
Anyway, other salient facts are escaping me but it was a lot of fun. It's made me even more excited for the Avengers movie next year.
And now all the main comic book movies are done. I'd rank them as follows:
1. X-Men First Class
2. Captain America
3. Thor - (Loki was all sorts of awesome, but there were things I disliked quite a bit in Thor and far less of that in Captain America).
4. Green Lantern
I also uh, may have developed a Hawaii Five-0 thing? I will admit I think I've seen maybe an episode and a half of the show (hostages! People thinking Danny is Steve's wife!) but I knew some of the authors I liked in SGA were writing in the fandom - which in terms of the Steve/Danny dynamic makes a bit of sense because there is something of the McKay/Sheppard about them - and so I read a little and then watched some clips on YouTube (OMG they are so ridiculous! Steve's blows up doors! And they're so very, very married!) and I've grown quite fond of them, especially Steve, which is not shocking in the slightest. What is it with me and the emotionally damaged, ridiculously hot military guys? Anyway, yes, I've read a lot of Steve/Danny fic and I regret nothing. I'm probably going to read a lot more, and uh, actually watch the show.
Related link: I discovered
this post which illustrates Steve and Danny's sheer amount of ridiculousness (and gayness) in just the first two episodes. It's really well done. It also does a lovely job of illustrating the hotness of Alex O'Loughlin. Seriously. (Nothing against the rest of the cast, who are also very attractive - hi Grace Park, nice to see you again - but Alex is where I'm at right now).
In RL news, I am doing little. But I came to a conclusion yesterday while looking at job ads that I really just need to move up to Wellington. I'm not even looking at jobs in Christchurch, so it seems pointless to look at jobs there from here when I'm not even looking for a job here. It's cheaper to stay here, but I miss Wellington and maybe I can temp for a little bit, and while living at home is mostly fine, it's also starting to niggle at me a little bit. So, I need to look at flights and see what's doable, but decision made. (I think).
The news out of London has been pretty mad. Still know a lot of people over there, and one of places that was badly affected on Monday night was pretty close to where I used to live (we shopped at the costume shop that was burned out in Clapham Junction when we were looking for outfits for our Monopoly Pub Crawl). It's been a little weird being over here.
It's odd the things that make you miss places. I had a small moment in the supermarket today where I saw something on a shelf I used to eat quite a lot in London and London felt so far away for a moment. *sigh* Anyway, craziness.
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