So, Jasika was interviewed at the TCA Party and
this TV Guide article came about.
The earth is not the only thing rattled on the latter half of Season 3. "The biggest tease that I can offer you is that this love affair between Peter and Olivia, which involved another Olivia, has not ended," says Nicole. "You're going to get your first hint about what it means in the first episode back, at the very end. And if you blink you'll miss it. It's something at the very, very end if the episode - a little trigger - and it [points to] something that happens in the future. It's going to link the universes in a way that they have never been linked before."
K: *eyebrow raise* OMG WHAT OMG! *reads comments* *screams* [not really] Oh fuck no. No. No. Noooooo!
I have perhaps never hoped a comment was more wrong in my life, and yes, it's just one person's guess, but the thing is? It fits Jasika's comment a little too well for my liking, and looking in other fandom-y places it seems to be the most common interpretation.
I just hate this twist when it's used in TV/movies/whatever, just hate it. It is a slightly irrational hate, sure but it's also so, so, so soap-opera. Fringe is a better show than that. A small part of me sort of gets it'll be interesting road to explore, but mostly I am just full of '@#$%@#$%@#$% NO!'
Also? Since I'm sort a ridiculous 'shipper now? That would sort of kill Peter/Olivia. And the Peter hate? Oh, it would get a little epic. Olivia cannot have nice things! Or Peter.
I should know not to look at these, because now next Friday I'm going to be all, 'oh god please don't be pregnant' through the whole thing.
And oh god if this is in response to AltLivia not being sympathetic enough with the audience ... I am stopping thinking about this right now.
I choose denial! 'lalala there's another interpretation and/or Jaskia is lying/was misquoted lalala'
(seriously too worked up about this, as there are very few things I can think of that I would hate more for this show I adore to do) *takes a deep breath*
This has completely distracted me from new The Good Wife.
I am also pondering the whole David Tennant doing Much Ado About Nothing thing. Now, I am really not sold on Catherine Tate in it, but it's David! Doing Shakespeare! I don't think I can not go. So, if anyone London based (or will be in London May - July-ish) is keen, let me know. I will also canvass some RL people.
Random link:
Andrew Garfield and Jesse Eisenberg could not be more adorable. I <3 them, so much.
I wonder what ONTD_Muse or the boards (oh god) are like today. *whistles innocently* I am sure everyone will be taking the Matt and Kate news very sanely. *nods*
There was no Arsenal game tonight. No game at all. You understand? Yes.
here (