"Woah Scissorhands" (also Fringe is incredibly awesome, just so you know)

Oct 15, 2010 22:55

Best Fringe title ever? Yes, I think so.


I admit I may have sneaked a peak at reviews during the day (I have Google Reader, a short work attention span, and a patience problem) and was a little apprehensive, but seriously, so good. Not sure where I'd put it in comparison to the others ... maybe second after last week? But still, this season continues to be amazing!

Newton was a total badass this whole episode. I am so sad they killed him. So sad. Just, awesome. I didn't quite get why he crashed though? He knew his time was up? He wanted to challenge Olivia, or make her go the next step? Hmm.

"Persian Kid Rock." "Well, not when you stand him on his money." - Nice lines in that scene. I did think it got a little awkward there though. And I did feel for Alt!Livia at the end. She's the one who's cheating on someone after all, or will by the end of the episode. ;)

Nina and Peter scene!

I saw the Walter tripping at the scientists scene in the sneak peak but it was still awesome. Still adore the ending.

No more Harvard lab set? :(

The eye socket thing did creep me out just a little bit.

Peter and Walter seems chummier in this. They had a little bonding moment. I hope things won't stay that way though, because oh, they have shit to be dealt with. I do find it amusing Peter put the candy on the body though.

"Thank you, Walter, that will be very helpful next time I'm on Jeopardy." Love.

Walter and Astrid <3 Just, <3

Olivia would *totally* not have said that thing about the senator's wife. She would have been all after the truth. That was a little annoying. AltLivia is not doing Olivia quite as well as I thought she would to be honest.

Cafeteria scene was all around awesome. "I eat them to honour him." He left his desert being a sign! Velociraptor!

Was totally worried for Walter with cop!Shapeshifter and Walter stabbed him! Eeep. That was well done. I actually really liked the side-story with the cop tin general. That was really interesting.

I'm having less problems with the "OMG how does Peter not know?!" thing than I thought. Is it perfect? No. It's not. Ideally, Peter should have figured it out because while yes he has a genius IQ and isn't totally well-adjusted, he isn't the type of genius who is socially inept and they've already shown him noticing really small stuff about people and he's been a fucking con-man, and ideally he should know and have a badass plan. However, do I think this likely? Sadly not, but they're not doing too bad a job. They're admitting that yes, he's noticed things, and he's making excuses because I do think part of him needs Olivia to be Olivia while he's dealing with all the other shit (and who knows what the time frame is here?). There is also possibly a couple of romantics on the Fringe writing staff because there is a 'because he looooves her' angle here too, but they're not playing that *too* strongly, thank god.

[Maybe I am easy to please and making excuses for Peter and the writers, because as I just read in another review 'It's like you came back a completely different person,' is a difficult line to swallow when Peter knows that there are two Olivias - has met both of them even - and she's been different since she came back from the Other Side.]

The more die-hard Peter/Olivia 'shippers seem to be having a bigger problem with this whole Peter/Alt!Livia thing (although I could argue that the fact he's not admitting the faults to himself, or making excuses for them, is a sign of how much he cares for Olivia). So, maybe it's that I'm not a die-hard 'shipper. But Peter is so not the bad guy here. Alt!Livia, is maybe a little, but not Peter.

There also may be part of me who is really keen to see the car crash of emotions and awesome when this all come out. Dude. It's going to be epic. Poor Peter. Poor Olivia. Maybe I'm just in it for the epic. The in-character epic, clearly, but epic all the same. Or maybe for epic read angst? ;)

Superficial Land: Mmm, Newton in black. Mmm, much better leather jacket than last year (does the boy have a neverending supply of hot jackets?) Mmm, Josh smiles. However, I have figured out what bothers me about either Olivia's hair, it's the bangs/fringe (heh), it just doesn't quite work.

I also seem to have stopped fixating (not in a good way) on how Josh's forehead crumples when he's frowning/scowling, but now I've remembered I might start again. Damn it.

Goddamn baseball. November. *grumbles*

Although OMG awesome sneak peak of 3.05. I've taken to calling him Head!Peter in my uh, head. ;)

I uh, went on quite a bit there. I am so in love with this show, dudes.

I haven't got to Mad Men yet. I did a little bit of a Gossip Girl catch-up though.

Oh Eva. I did feel for her. Mary Sue-ish? Maybe. But she wasn't around enough to be annoying with it. What Blair did was low, really low. Predictably Blair though.

Juliet. Eh. Very eh. I didn't mind her at first but now? I'm not even that interested in what her plan is.

Also, I sadly may have found the limit to how much Chace Crawford's prettiness can distract me from Nate's inherent boring-ness. Sadness.

Loved Blair's burn about the only thing Nate got annoyed about was a "badly rolled joint." Amazing!

Must say I am enjoying Blair and Serena being friends and joining forces this year. Will it last? Well, probably not sadly.

Dan. Blah. As ever really. But hey, he's less annoying than Vanessa and Jenny. ;)

Google Reader has been bringing me all sorts of stories about Keith's memoir. Oh boy. This is gong to be fun. He's really not holding back about everything up to and including the size of Mick Jaggers dick (I am not joking). There was this really cute story though about him not realising who Johnny Depp was until two years after meeting him.

Richards said: "It took me two year before I realised who he was. He was just one of my son Marlon's mates, hanging around the house playing guitar.

"I never ask Marlon's mates who they are because, you know, 'I'm a dope dealer'. Then one day I was at dinner and I'm like 'woah, Scissorhands'."

From here

"Woah Scissorhands"?! I love him so much. <3

Tomorrow: shoe-shopping now I've gotten paid. Normally this doesn't make me that happy, but it is boot shopping which is a lot more fun. However, I do have a habit of falling for very expensive boots. So pretty.

Also, I think I need to see Social Network this weekend, or possibly one day after work next week, because a) David Fincher b) Aaron Sorkin c) really good reviews d) interesting subject matter e) curiosity I can't shake about Justin Timberlake's acting and f) Andrew Garfield. I am developing a small thing about that last one. Damn you Tumblr and cute interviews in Short List that I read on the train to work.

I made pizza with sun-dried tomatoes on it. So much nom. I love them.

Crossposted here (

nom, keef, fringe

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