"I'm not nervous. It's China Town. I'm fine. Whatever."

Sep 16, 2010 01:48

Haha, oh I meant to go to bed early. This post will probably be shorter than I had planned, but I really want to get it done as its been in my head for days now.

New job is going well. Nicest building I've worked in so far. Commute is easy, it's right by the Thames, modern chairs and computers, Outlook 2007 (never been so happy to see it in my life, no Lotus Notes yay) and most importantly a free coffee machine that grinds beans. No instant, no BYO coffee. I was so happy when I saw it, and the coffee is goood. I can see my caffeine addiction growing. Because it really needed to. ;)

Job itself is not exactly exciting, but it's fine.

And I seem to have an interview for another job that I really want first thing on Monday morning, which wasn't exactly my first choice of time, but there you go. Fingers crossed.

Now, to the fangirling.

I've seen a lot of negative comments about this ep, but on the whole? I actually sort of liked it. We've certainly had worse this season. It may have lacked some of the epic of some season finales, but in someways, I think that was a good thing.

Jessica/Hoyt = awesome. Fact. I also had a random though that Hoyt is totally the Pacey of this show. He's impossible not to adore. It's a random association, I'm aware.

I liked almost all of the Eric, Pam, Sookie, Bill and Russell scenes:

-Backbone!Sookie, my god where have you been, honey?! I loved it, except perhaps the Talbot bit where I thought that slightly maniacal laugh may have meant she was possessed. IDEK. It was weird. Loved her sitting on Eric's "throne".
- "Let that little fuck fry." - Pam <3
- " If you've finished eyefucking each other?' Awesome. Lots of fucks in this episode. I approve. Especially the way Alexander makes it sound. Guh.
- Russell's snark was awesome throughout. He had a Black Mask from DC comics thing going on with the burned out face though.
- Surprise!Godric. He sadly wasn't that awesome, but still Godric! And Eric basically going 'yeah, how about no, Godric?' Interesting.
- Bill was super creepy in this episode on a variety of levels but especially with Sookie. (And how would that be an order Eric would ever give?!) However, sort of badass with the Queen at the end.
- And she dumped Bill! <3! And Eric told her. <3 Sookie needs to stay away from vampire relationships for a while I think.

Less awesome: the rest of the show. Oh, Jason, I just do not freaking care about your storyline in the slightest! I care about Sam's ... maybe a little. Maybe. I also didn't really care for the twist in the Lafayette/Jesus storyline. Everyone's freaking supernatural in this town, aren't they?

So, half the show's character's aside, I liked it. ;)

I did watch the most recent Mad Men, but I don't have anything really to say about it. Good solid episode, but I guess a little bit lessened in comparison to the awesome that was last week.

Random links:

1. Fringe S2 Blooper reel!! I've been waiting for this to hit the internet for ages and oh it was as awesome as I was hoping. Anna and Josh making stupid faces! Josh cracking jokes all the time! A (sadly bleeped out) swearing montage (again mostly starring Josh and Anna). The return of Lance's "one more time." I love this cast a ridiculous amount, and I will be watching this ... a lot.

image Click to view

2. America Is a Joke: cool NY Mag profile of Jon Stewart. <3

3. Matt Bellamy is wearing blue jeans and a checked shirt God, that's so weird for Matt. It's like ... I hate to say normal, but well, normal. ;) Him and Kate look quite cute together tbh. Eh, hating takes effort. If he's happy more power to him.

4. This got linked everywhere but if you haven't seen Joseph Gordon-Levitt singing and snarking his way through a cover of "Bad Romance" you should. Guh. Yes, you should. Guitar. Snark. And it's not actually too bad a cover, at all.

5. This is random, and I think it might be just me with these two particular fandoms in common, but this picture breaks my brain. Fandoms colliding!

Also, Michelle Yeoh, but I find that a whole heap less weird.

It was a function in Paris a year or two ago, I think.

Seriously. Breaks my brain.

I swear if he ever appears in a picture with Jenson ... I will not be held responsible for my actions.

6. Arsenal won 6-0 tonight. Yaaay. And Cesc is looking good, both on a football and a completely superficial level.

I also went and loaded some more fic to AO3 and found a cool Tony/CJ snippet that I apparently wrote in 2007 and still sort of like. A miracle. I also found my WaT fic. Oh. I am warring between, "no, you should archive all your fic except the really bad HP fic we do not name" (seriously there is a folder on my laptop called "The Fic That Must Not Be Named") and "no, that fic is bad. Bad." I think my completist tendencies are going to win out.

Phew. I think that's it.

Crossposted here (

josh jackson, matt bellamy, rl, true blood, arsenal, f1, mad men, fringe, muse, writing, jon stewart, joseph gordon levitt

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