1. There's a reason I try and not buy chocolate biscuits and M&Ms while I'm at the supermarket, and that's because I have very little self-control and they disappear embarrassingly quickly. In the last two days I've brought both of the above, and neither are here any more. Exercise tomorrow. Oh, yes.
2. I settled down to watch Flash Forward last night. I'm still pretty impressed that the UK premiere was less than a week after the US one. Well played, Channel 5, well played.
Overall, I enjoyed it, and will watch again. It does have a Lost/Heroes-ish sort of feel, but I'm willing to give it a shot. If only for having Joe Fiennes on my tv screen, (oh crazy crush of over 10 years ago) and the rest of the cast.
Joe's accent isn't too bad, though a little jarring at first. He also doesn't seem very relaxed in the role, unless that's a character trait, in which case it's a little annoying and doesn't make you really feel for Mark. (He sort of reminds me of Jack from Lost, which is not a good thing). The scene with his daughter was adorable though.
Hi, Jack Davenport, hi. Those were a quality thirty seconds you got in there. Or, well, okay, you didn't really do a hell of a lot, but you looked pretty.
Nicely done cliffhanger too.
3. Have nothing really to say about the latest HIMYM except that I enjoyed it immensely.
4. Washing machine died today (while my clothes were in it sadly, though they were eventually recovered) however, I found out this evening that the landlord has already agreed to buy us a new one this week. Go proficient landlords. Also, we now have a working DVD player after I cleaned the heads. Yay.
5. Since I've been home more often, I've had a chance to try some cool recipes, most of which have been fairly successful. On Sunday I made this
salmon and spinach risotto (with some small adjustments), then made these
risotto balls with the leftovers (which were amazing). I've also made this
awesome moussaka, and these
huevos rancheros.
Next up, I think
this roasted tomato and lentil soup.
There may have been a little too much food tv in my life recently. ;)
6. Jeremy Paxman entertains me and amuses me far more than I feel he should. His mixture of scorn, skepticism, snark and sarcasm is just quite awesome to behold. I've watched Univeristy Challenge almost every week since I've been here and I now seem to be watching Newsnight as well. (I'm so, so looking forward to being over here for a General Election).
Now, enough with the bullet points, I have a ridiculous amount of Firefox tabs open (and I don't say that lightly as the current count is 95) that I should try and reign in before my laptop loses its sense of humour.