Hello from London.

Jul 27, 2009 15:47

Hi from the other side of the world. :)

London is overall, pretty awesome. It's crazy and big, but also new, amazing and fun. Friends here have been amazing, and through them I have sorted out a flat and done lots of cool things. The job quest is progressing, I'm applying for a few things a day and I heard this morning that I now have an interview on Wednesday morning. w00t!

I'm currently staying on the couch in the flat that I'm moving into in just under two weeks (my friend and her boyfriend live here now) and discovered that there is a place that does good fairtrade flat whites near by. Bliss. It's maybe a little further out of central London than I'd hoped, but by no means waay far out, and it's a cute house on a good tube line with nice people, so I call it a win.

I keep expecting it to hit me that I'm in London, but it really hasn't, so I don't think it's really going to.

So far I've been to the Tate Modern (I walked past on my first day here and had to go in) and it was like walking through an art history lesson, and I got to see a Jackson Pollock painting. So. Awesome. I've also been out to Canterbury to see the cathedral, which was phenomenal, possibly because it was the first medieval church I've been to, but I loved it. I also went out to Leeds Castle (which is in Kent ... yes) which was also very cool.

I did go to the Tower, which I've wanted to see since I was ten, and it was cool, but there were just too many people to really appreciate it, which was a little disappointing. I'm planning to go again when there's less people about.

Fandom wise, I haven't been up to a lot. I finished Torchwood (never wanted to slap Jack so hard in my life) and saw Half-Blood Prince (good, but the end was a little disappointing), and saw some S2 Dr Who via TV on Demand (omg awseome).

I did however, listen to the new Muse song, United States of Eurasia. Huh. It's a little different, but I do quite like it, especially the piano. Needs a bit of a listen, I think.

Also, I need to find the Iron Man 2 footage from Comicon. Surely it must be around. You can't fail me now, internet. I seem to be getting increasingly obsessed with it. I re-watched Iron Man on the plane over, and right now, it's my DVD I miss the most. Odd.

Link: Echo Chamber of Secrets: 30 Media Muggles and their Harry Potter Counterparts. Some of these are inspired. Jon and Stephen = Fred and George, Anderson = Luna, Bill Kristol = Umbridge, however I do think BriWi gets off a little harshly.

Housekeeping: I did a bit of a flist trim, because it was getting a little unwieldy, mostly people who haven't posted in ages or I haven't really talked to a lot and our interests have diverged. Hopefully no hard feelings, but feel free to defriend back, I get it.

muse, hp, ironman, torchwood, rl, coffee, omg london

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