Binary solo 0000001 - New Years and fandom catch-up

Jan 04, 2009 14:07

Oh, internet. <3

I went from Dial Up Land to No Internet Land on New Years Eve and got back late last night after all sorts of fun trying to find a taxi home. Ugh.

I spent New Years Eve on some land outside of Takaka owned by some parents of a friend of a friend. Bonfire, marshmallows and some thankfully clearing weather with a great view of the night sky. Hung around Golden Bay for a couple of days which was cool as that part of NZ is gorgeous.

Drove back to Motueka on the 2nd to go to a Shapeshifter concert staying at a cool house belonging to my friend's relatives, which was an awesome 24 hours. AWESOME Shapeshifter concert. I was two rows from the front and the crowd was boisterous but really into it. It was one of those concerts when you need to go straight to the merch table (picked up a CD and a badge I seem to have now misplaced, damn).

My friends headed back to Christchurch and dropped me off in Picton, which was so good of them as it was kinda out of the way. However, it did mean that I finally saw the Malbourough Sounds if only by car. So, so pretty. The top of the South Island really is gorgeous.

I got the ferry home. First time on the ferry that I can remember (I apparently caught it as a kid) and first time I have been on a boat for a loonng time. Still not a huge fan. I don't even think it was a bad sailing, at all, but the rolling just is not fun. Ugh. However, I do think the late night sailing and the fact that I was tired and couldn't concentrate on much else didn't help. It was nice out on the deck in the fresh air watching Wellington coming in though, even if it was fucking cold.

Unoffical theme song of the trip: Robots - Flights of the Conchords. I played it in the car on the way up and then we spontaneously sung it with different people about five times over the weekend, including one time in a hut on top of a hill in Cobb valley midway through a day walk. ;) Binary solo ....

Still home now. Need to get shit sorted and move my stuff into my new room that my now former flatmate vacated while I was away. Sunshine! And a view over the city. I'm excited.

I may have already caught up with Vegas and the Dr Who Christmas special. *sheepish look*

Hmm. I have seen many a squeeful post and I am a huge fan of AU eps as well, and some of it I loved, but I found the style quite distracting, and I say this as someone who has watched a lot of CSI. A few of those effects would have been fine, cool in fact, but it was like the director was obsessed with those effects and just would not stop. Overkill, I think and it detracted from the ep for me. The music was cool, mostly, but even I wasn't a huge fan of using 'Sympathy for the Devil' and I love the Stones. It was almost verging on overkill, but the effects were far worse.

However, content wise, I liked it. John! <3 With the money stealing and the Cash poster taking and putting everything together, and I loved his interaction with Rodney. Hewlett rocked hard in this ep (and really wore that suit, mmm) and I loved, loved the scene in the interrogation room.

Nykl was also awesome.

Also, I saw a comment about Rodney/Keller being in this ep, and that exchange, really? It was a little loaded, but not really.

Might give it a rewatch and see if the style bothers me again.

And I don't need to say it, but Joe Flanigan is gorgeous. Jeans, shirts, rumpled, stubbly. Guh.

I can't believe there is only one ep to go and part of me is sad, but most of me is relieved as this season really has been on and off, and more off than on. I have lost more and more respect for the writers as the season has progressed and yes, I know there's been extenuating circumstances, but I do really think they could have done better by these characters. And I don't mean Rodney/Keller explicitly, although that could have been done better, I like Jewel and if it had been done better and made me believe it I wouldn't have so many issues.

Anyway, I seem to have started an SGA ramble. Just, yeah, I'm relieved. *sigh*

l liked it a lot. Didn't love it, but it was certainly enjoyable. David Morrisey and Devla Kirkan were great and I liked the storyline ... but uh, wouldn't the Cybermen adapt to the overloading of the info tube thingees? They certainly adpated in previous eps ... anyway, small point. It was fun.

DT was awesome, heart-breaking (speech at the end) and gorgeous, as always.

Also, Yuletde authors were revealed and I wrote:

To what place (PG) - American Gods fanfic about Laura for tahanrien.

Happily my recipient liked it and I've recieved some very nice reviews. :)

I have a few Yuletide recs at my delicious and hope to add some more as I work through some more tabs.

While I was away I made some new icons. Finally! I downloaded GIMP and it's pretty awesome for something so very free. I uh, may have become a little obsessed with some effects as some of the icons show.

Three whole days til I'm back at work. Joy.

dr who, sga, holiday, friends, fic, yuletide, shapeshifter

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