HH2K5 was a success. we didn't get to play the keyboard on the beach, but we did get stalked. either that or we were the stalkers. or fate was trying to tell us something. oh well. anyway,
Melissa being knocked over by a wave.
Gorgeous sky.
Feet. Of the wet variety. Note the stripe of sunburnt skin, a result of falling asleep on the beach and having a friend that lets you lay there and fry.
Our fort. Collapsed gracias a Melissa.
Cool picture. Don't look at my eyes though.
Oh, if you dive your head will crack open and blood will pool in the pool.
My new friend the beach bunny.
I should really be in a horror flick because these looks creep even me out.
I miss the beach now. Then I remember, I will have sand in my hair for the next three months. It will never be far.