What now?

Jul 10, 2008 07:50

So I woke up this morning to an empty house - for the first time in over two years.  MissV stayed overnight with my parents, and MathMan is at work.  Now, MissV has spent the night at grandma and grandpa's before, but never on a work night for MathMan.  Last night before I went to bed, I was questioning what I was going to do with myself this morning.  Well, I answered that question at 6:30.  Wake up.  6:45?  Get up, get showered.  I'm now about to clean, vacuum, and do some laundry, at least until the stores open, then I'm doing some shopping.

Now, some background is needed here, I think - MissV does not have the typical toddler schedule.  She is up until at least nine with us, and usually sleeps ten to twelve hours per night, meaning on average she wakes up around eight.  Factor in time to get ready, make breakfast, and her to eat said breakfast, and that's another hour and a half gone.  Lunch is at 11:30, and nap is whenever she manages to finish lunch (and sometimes this can take a *while*.)  Nap usually lasts for 1.5-2 hours, then afternoon snack and it's time to prepare dinner.  So what I'm saying is that, while her sleeping in is nice (very nice, I'm not complaining there at all) and she takes a nap that affords me cleaning/whatever time around the house, we have a very small window of time in the late morning to get things done outside the house - considering that it takes me about half an hour to drive anywhere from here.

So, it appears when MissV's away, I get productive...go figure!

And since this is a knitting blog, here's the knitting content - I'm going to pick up supplies for a Fourth Doctor scarf.  I'm officially off my rocker!  Oh, did I mention that it's going to be an...unconventional...Fourth Doctor Scarf?  Bye now!
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