3 down 1 to go

Oct 20, 2004 01:30

I hope the Redsox's take the Yankee's to the house!!!!!!

Baseball is a fucked up sport, with no salery cap, draft of anything like that it makes it really hard for bad teams to become good.  In football, the worse team gets the first draft pick making it possible for teams to rebuild.  With baseball its more like, this team owner wants to spend more, so he just always going to have a better team.

Mad props to Schilling, talked some trash and backed his shit up... the second time.

How embarrassing can it be to have the Red Sox win 4 straight games.

O yeah, I also want to mention, Ortiz is a pro baseball player, he may be weak on fast balls high and inside.  But if you throw him 15 of the same pitches eventually he will figure out how to take that shit to the house!!!!

I know its impossible, but if A'rod (LOL my old old baseball name) makes 250 million dollars, he should never have a bad game, nor should he ever make a mistake.

Also, being in Illinios most people are a bears fan, and let me say, it sucks to see such a bad quarterback.  Yeah, so what if the starting QB was hurt, if you in the NFL shouldnt you be able to throw a fuckin ball.  Without a doubt, I am willing to bet that John Thompson could be a better QB the Quinn.  And thats saying alot!


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