The Passing Youth of Miss Amelia Pond: Chapter 03: Flowers in Bloom

Sep 26, 2011 16:40

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Chapter 3:
Flowers in Bloom

There were only a handful of steps between the TARDIS’ front doors and the door leading to the house but when your husband’s stride was more than twice your own, a handful of steps quickly becomes a long walk in thick mud. Rory rushed up to Amelia and scooped her up from behind. He was so ( Read more... )

!doctor who, the passing youth of miss amelia pond

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Comments 6

eve11 September 27 2011, 00:01:22 UTC
Aw, I enjoyed this story very much! It was creative and fun but with a sting to it too. Your alien was cool and mysterious; I like that she didn't give up all of her secrets on her deathbed and how she put up a mirror to everyone else's experiences.


awomanofletters September 27 2011, 00:14:22 UTC
I appreciate the comment and thanks!


a_phoenixdragon September 27 2011, 08:41:50 UTC
LOVELOVELOVE...gods this universe you've created!! What is NOT to love about it?!

*Squishes you happily*


awomanofletters September 27 2011, 11:35:53 UTC
*squishes back* Thanks!


lady_with_cats September 27 2011, 09:41:39 UTC
Ooh! This was the loveliest of stories! :D


awomanofletters September 27 2011, 11:36:03 UTC
:D Thanks!


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