May 05, 2010 02:21
Well, I've got a weird headache. In my nose. How does that work, exactly?
And bronchitis w/ and w/o a cough. I think. But I can't get into the doctor for another couple of days, and I dare not go to the walk in, as they aren't used to listening for my peculiar type of infection. O.o Basically, I cough off and on, but don't really. And yet, that's how I am with bronchitis. Usually I don't cough at all and only go in when my breathing gets really bad, to find I have it. But I'm getting better at watching for it. Had it a couple weeks back, but obviously didn't kill it all.
Well, my little netbook (That, may I add, is used for writing) had to be wiped and restored to original manufacturer settings. I went in and quickly grabbed what was most unlikely to be infected (photos and writing) to back up, and I should be able to pick it up tomorrow. We could have done a system restore at home, but since we'd already paid....might as well get our money's worth, right?
Basically, the original virus downloaded A WHOLE FREAKING MOTHERLOAD of baby viruses that made my little thing the family nesting site. There were so many in there that it was easier to just wipe it, since even he couldn't get antivirus software working to get rid of them (like my attempt: failed).
So, yeah, quite annoyed...but what can you do?
Just looking forward to having it back, putting my writing back on it, and starting it all up again, at this point.
Chapter 8 will be posted on FP soon. Just taking a while as everything goes wrong.
And chapter 9 will be started in reality tomorrow, when it's back, as well.
And yay for having a weird friend. Or "fried friends" as Mike and I call them. xD
Basically, one of my year younger friends who's graduating this year, that I met in band when I was in it last year..?
Well, apparently she's offended about my ditching her and whoever else she invited for the mall shopping spree last saturday. Despite the fact I said a) I never received the info for meeting place and exact time and b) she had known, from when the plans were originally being made, that my cell phone is both dead and out of cash, and I had mentioned I doubted I would put any more cash on it until I got a better plan or had more people actually contacting me on it. (basically, it was turning into a waste of cash...and I'm feeling very stingy for cash, currently)
I guess I'll have to charge it up sometime and see if, despite being out of money, I received any of her text messages. Because I BET you she tried to send the meet up info via cell, and was pissed when I simply...didn't get it.
Either that, or I'm misreading this all horribly and she's incredibly busy what with grad coming and hasnt felt a need to respond to my email...Though I doubt this severely, as I have seen her on facebook regularly and have commented on there to her, and received no reply. So I'm inclined to go with her being pissy about it and not trusting that I really didn't intend it to come across that way.
Add onto all this the fact I've been extinct lately, due to being in a flare up of chronic fatigue (I'm hopping into bed to sleep every 3-5 hours, just to function) I complicated things by procrastinating sending the apology email by...about a week. But...ekjuthrskw.
I've just gotten to the point of being very testy around new people that are eager to call themselves friends, because they inevitably turn out to be unable to accept that, yes, I AM really sick, or that I won't chase after someone apologizing like mad that I've known for less time than my older friends. If you can't trust that what I'm telling you is the truth, at least from my perspective, can you call me or yourself friends?
I mean...if Becca or Patricia or alex or anyone in the "good old friends" catagory tells me, "Hey, look, I have to cancel hanging out on this date" or "sorry, I totally forgot we were going to meet up. Let's make a plan for another date to make up for it" -- I'm not going to pout.
Sure, they could be lying. But THEY ARE MY FRIENDS, and I TRUST that I'm being told the truth.
So I found it hard to swallow when someone gets POed about being ditched and then won't believe their "friend" honestly forgot and had no idea where and when it was going to be that day. I got past that point in friendships a long while back. It's really not worth it, doubting the people close to you. So, I simply don't anymore.
However, I am full of doubt, towards "new friends" until after a certain point. That could be six months or a year and a half. But there comes a point near the beginning where people show where they truly stand. Perhaps this is that point, in this particular relationship.
Until a person passes this "point", I honestly can say I don't fully let my guard down around them. Because when I've done this in the past, so many have taken advantage of me for doing so.
So until that "point", I find it very easy to keep a certain distance between that person and I, which makes it easy for me to leave them if things crumble and turn nasty. With older friends, I'm not like that. I'd be a huge wreck if that happened with someone I've known for 5+ years. especially when they've not just past "the point" but several of them. By then, you're generally family, haha.
Anyways, there's the friend rant. Fun fun.
Mom's been a bitch lately. getting set off by the most far fetched things and getting mad when Dad and I don't magically read her mind and find ou that when she says "she wants to go home" and boots us out the door, that she just wants to "sit and have a cup of coffee, and come out with us". So the weekend has been kind of rough, there. She's also a borderline hoarder and is VERY disturbed that we're going through the basement to get stuff for a boot sale, to clean the house up some.
Anyways. >.<;;;