Feb 06, 2006 16:35
Weekends like these rock.
Say you have christmas night when I went up to whanga. Didn't have a sober night untill the 2nd of jan.
Then like i think it was a week ago? and we had one a long time beofre it, where it was hard night fridaym then saturday then sunday lol purdy much asleep all day monday coz ur just so tired. lol.
And this weekend, had alices then my sisters thing last night and on friday i stayed up real late then ive got my mums drinks for her bday 2night THEN 2morrow night im getting absofuklutly wasted at alices and hopefully goign to skewl wiff da mean heaeache. yurp. haha.
Holidays rock.
I have a new crush. I so sucks. Haha. Ohwell, not telling peeps this guy. no sir eeee.
Had a werid dream 2... yeah. Well im off 2 pour mny first wine of the day.
Oh and i thorght i would be able to kick smoking. I was wrong. So very very wrong.
Stupid holidays for dat. heh.
I miss beke. poopies.
Hope every one is well!