Hello and welcome to this month's weekly pic spam. This week will be Nathan Fillion. I figured I hadn't posted him in a while and, since I've been watching Castle, was in the mood for him.
Anybody seen The Hunger Games? Thoughts? Leaning toward adding Josh Hutchinson and Liam Hemsworth (and maybe his brother Chris) to our list. We'll have to see.
Speaking of Chris, who's excited for the Avengers? I know I am! If it weren't so freaking close, I'd do a superhero a week. Might have to up the posts for it. We'll see how time works out. Seeing as it's just under 2 weeks away, I'm not sure though.
Alright, on to the pics of
Remember, I capped these myself. I don't mind if you use them, just drop me a line telling me where I can visit them.