Fun with Filters I

Oct 01, 2005 20:51

remember when I wanted to continue my Pop-Art style guide? yeah, me neither...
so I thought I'm going to start a new series. heee. *has the attention span of a three year old*

filters are the most underused feature of PS when it comes to fanart and icons. seriously. it's like people are afraid of using them or something like that. so I'm going to try to take that fear away ;P

repeat with me:
filters. are. fun. and. easy.

we're starting with something very easy. we're going to make this:

and it's going to take approximately five minutes. tops. if you're doing it for the first time...

step 01
make a new document. size 500x500px. fill it with black.

step 02
use Filter - Render - Lens Flare with the following settings (defaults anyway...):
brightness: 100%
Lens type: 50-300 mm Zoom

use Filter - Sketch - Chrome with the following settings:
Detail: 10
Smoothness: 2

step 03
copy your layer four times (ctrl + j)

from bottom to top...

set the first copy to Blending Mode Lighten
use Filter - Distort - Wave with the following settings:
Number of Generators: 3
Type: Sine
Wavelength: Min. 20 Max. 113
Amplitude: 15/20
Scale: 100%/100%
Hit randomize a few times until it looks to your liking

set the second copy to Blending Mode Lighten
use Filter - Distort - Twirl with the following settings:
Angle: 196°

set the third copy to Blending Mode Overlay

set the last copy to Blending Mode Lighten
use Filter - Distort - Twirl with the following settings:
Angle: - 156°

step 04
on top of everything make a new Gradient and set it to Blending Mode Color

you can use these kind of things as backgrounds for fanart/wallpaper/banners/headers/etc.
or you can crop it and make Light textures out of it.


heee. easy, ain't it? playing with filters is fun. *nods*
now go and and fiddle with the settings. because it's fun. *pushes you towards your PS*

coming soon: more Fun with Filters ;)

tutorial: effect, fun with filters, tutorial: filters, light textures

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