random stock images: blood

Jun 24, 2005 21:42

originally posted at awmp on 4/10/05

I have way too much energy these days. and while I was not connected to the world wide web, I even went all artsy. heee. ok, it was more me and a can of color having some fun...

but as I was bloody (a pun, a pun!) sick of looking for stock images of blood drops and splatters for fanart and stuff, I thought I make my own ones and started bleeding a bit. and as they are actually quite handy, I'm sharing them. aren't I a nice person? and I'm posting in honor of shagalote's cutting and bleeding little accident today.

here's my heart blood. heee.

25 bloody stocks in a zip file (659 KB)

please comment&credit if you're downloading,
and do not make brushes out of my stock images. I made them on my own. you know, not from other stock images, but from scratch, with real color and paper and all this fun stuff.

bloody, textures: iconsize

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