stock images for light effects (icon sized) part III

Jun 23, 2005 20:39

originally posted at awmp on 3/20/05

aren't I spammy tonight...?

well, again more light effect stocks, and again something completely else... (see also the icon I'm using for this post, and doesn't JM look yummy and smart, heee!)

can you see my little sis and the most hoggish horse ever (I'm speaking of grabbing corn in full gallop while I'm riding him...) in these? or why I suck at taking photographs...

examples in use...

more examples can be found at my last icon post.

you can download the zip file that also contains larger versions (200x200) here.

comment&credit applies.

and for my own amusement the result of my little psycho test ;)
these are the results up to March, 18th...
  • for my first batch I asked politely for comments.
    there were 93 comments and 347 downloads
  • since Feb, 25th (=22 days)
  • for my second batch I made it mandatory to comment in case of downloading
    there were 82 comments and 131 downloads
  • since Mar, 16th (=3 days)
I'd say that's a much better proportion, don't you think...

textures: iconsize, light textures

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