1. well, great minds think alike and all that jazz...
only: heee, my mind works much faster than others. neener, neener, neener. /immature moment
+01+ posted on 02/13/2006 (made by and credit to
+02+ posted on 04/28/2005 by yours truly
that's almost ten months before. aaah, the brilliance of me :) *gigglesnorts*
2. still a sheep.
My Nohari Window. yeah, that's the one with the failings. You know you wanna do it *g* if you feel uncomfortable to tell me the truth, simply use another name to sign ;)
Little rebel Spike got its first ticket. Mommy is so proud (and pissed off because I have to pay...)
4. Thank you anonymous friend who gifted me
with a virtual rose! I was so touched! whoever you are, lots of thanks and hugs from me!
5. favorite porn dialogue of the week (maybe even month):
judge is fellatioeing (this is so a verb) secretary on his desk (aww, the cliché!!)
judge: do you mind my son watching?
secretary: of course not, i know how much you miss him...
judge grabs framed photo from the desk
judge: look, son. see what you are missing here???
judge continues his "work"
judge: damn vietnam... DAMN. VIET. NAM.