tv: dollhouse

Feb 16, 2009 17:53

it's my first day off since, uhm, I don't remember! (I'm allowed to take 30 days a year off, and I still have 25 left from last year, you do the math...)
and since I got nudged by, hmm, let me think, julione (twice! heee!), miss_sarac, red_sunflower, slackerace, danaid_luv, and sweet_ali, I felt forced decided to spend it here!
(I love you, too, girls, it's nice to be missed!)

and as it's the season of a new Joss show, I'll just dive unceremonially into fangirl ramblings. heee.

tv: dollhouse
I wasn't surprised. Which is a sad thing. Because ever since I've heard about the show, I was thinking "hmmm, ok, I don't see a way to make this work."
Then I've seen the show and thought "hmmm, apparently they haven't seen it either."

It wasn't that it was really bad. But it wasn't really good neither.
I can't connect to any of the characters. Which doesn't come as a surprise seeing the main character doesn't have any character. That's why I was fearing that it wouldn't work, and they didn't convince me otherwise so far.

So, I wasn't dissapointed because I didn't expect it to work. I was just a bit sad.

Only one thing did really dissapoint me. The lack of smart and witty dialogue. Uhm, what the hell was up with Joss? It's normally one of the two things you can count of when he writes something. He will break your heart and he will write ingenious dialogue.
I feel cheated. Boo!

Also with Helo running around and the Olmos/fatherly type comment and the programmable dolls who remind me of the Cylons before they knew who they were, it felt like an homage to BSG. (I'm being nice using the word "homage", actually it felt more like a crazy AU fanfic)

Add a bit of Police procedural and Alias and hey, completely "new" show.
(Oh, wait, I forgot the creepness factor. So it's also a bit of Fringe.)

And while we're at the creepiness topic. This show is creepy. And not in the good way. I feel uncomfortable with almost every character on this show. Bunch of creeps they are.
Or totally unremarkable, like Amy Acker...

What's the grapevine telling? Is it supposed to be getting better? I'm not ready to give up on it yet...

tv: dollhouse, friends

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