Who: Niki & Margo
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: student center
What: discussing relationships, rings and fathers
Finding Margo wasn’t all that difficult really, finding her away from Jesse was slightly harder simply because there were not many places that they could be together that Niki could be. Damn gender-segregated school. Regardless, he slipped into a seat next to her in the TV lounge of the activity center. “Hey, Mrs. St. James,” he greeted her, keeping his voice low, but he knew she heard him.
Margo had been getting some work done, but she also was letting the television distract her. She didn't pick the channel, but whatever was on was sort of interesting. It was distracting her from her work when someone sat beside her. She smiled and looked over to see Niki. "Hi," she said.
“Sup?” he asked, reaching automatically for her hand to examine the ring. Unlike most students, he not only knew about the ring, but he had seen it before she had. “Looks good on you.”
Her smile grew as Niki took her hand and looked at the ring. "Not much. Just working and relaxing. Not sure if the two go together though." She laughed a little and then nodded. "Thanks, Niki. I'm glad you think so."
“Not usually,” he agreed, turning her hand this way and that so the ring would catch the light, “Looks better your hand than mine,” Niki joked. “And you know, it fits you.”
Margo smiled warmly now. "Thanks." She let out a slow breath. "So you're happy for us then?" She had wondered what Niki's reaction might be. She didn't want to do wrong by him, especially since he was such good friends with Jesse.
He shrugged, “I think you’re both nuts and I might start calling you Diane, but you make Jack happy,” Jack, Jesse, whatever. “And I like that. So sure. You just be mighty careful you don’t make him unhappy, get me?” Niki asked. Yes, he was giving Margo Fabray, Jesse St. James’ fiance, The Talk.
Margo's smile faded slightly. How nuts would Niki think they were since they had thought about moving in together? She smiled again. "I won't make Jesse unhappy. I promise. You don't need to worry."
“Then I don’t gotta hogtie you, which I gotta admit, I wasn’t looking forward to,” Niki agreed, releasing her hand finally, “Ain’t really very proper hogtying a lady and all that. I’d do it though, for him.”
"Good, because I don't think I'd like it very much if you hog tied me," she told him. That was something she definitely did not want. "I promise I'll treat him right. He's... he's amazing. I couldn't treat him poorly."
Smiling, Niki teased her nose with the end of his braid, “Good. Then you two go be crazy in love and all that. You get my blessing,” which was more important perhaps than Jesse’s father’s. “How’d your parents take it anways?”
Margo laughed a little and scratched her nose. "Thanks, Niki, that means a lot." She smiled and then shrugged. "Well, my dad gave Jesse his blessing so he was fine with it. My mom seemed happy too."
“Then that’s good,” Niki was relieved. They didn’t need the battle that went with the parents not agreeing too, “Now you just gotta find a guy for me,” was he still jealous of his friends getting together ans himself being single? Yeah.
"Yeah, it is," she agreed. She was so glad Jesse had asked her father's permission first. If he had proposed without it, Margo would have been very nervous about telling them. "Right," she said with a nod. She didn't really support homosexuality, but she supported Niki, and so she was trying to be better about the whole thing. "Yes, we do. Then we could double date."
“That would be fun,” Niki had to agree. He sighed, “Maybe once I graduate, yeah? How’d that be? Double dating with a couple of engaged high schoolers when I’m in college...” sort of pathetic, but who knew? It could be okay.
"You don't sound too excited about that." She laughed a little because she didn't want it to get awkward. "Where are you going to school, Niki?" It was good to know where he would be, if it would be nearby. She figured it must be if he mentioned double dating once he was in college.
“Dunno,” Niki replied with a shrug, “I did early acceptance to Yale, so we’ll see,” that was only 30 minutes away. He had applied to schools farther away too, but that was his first pick. Of course, it was all determined by if he got in or not, “I won’t find out until close to the end of January, probably.”
"Ah." Margo nodded. "So if Yale picks you, you'll have to go there." She was pretty sure that's how early acceptance worked. "Did you apply to anywhere in New York? Near the city?"
New York? Was she kidding?! “No,” Niki grinned, “I’m allergic to cities. Makes me break out in hives,” he was joking, but it was a great mental image, “I applied at Berkley, Yale, OSU, University of North Dakota which is where my dad went and I don’t want to go, and Boston University,” Boston was a city, but he was overlooking that. And Berkeley was near San Francisco, but not too near.
She smiled at his joke and then nodded as he listed off the schools. "Sounds like a lot of good schools. Plenty of choices." So New York City was out for Niki. "Jesse and I were talking about going to New York City, that's why I asked," she told him and smiled again. "I hope you get into Yale."
“Thanks,” Niki had no intention of going to school in New York, ever. Nope. “I suspect Jesse will drag me there at some point to play tourist and show off what I’m missing by not being there, but I think I’m okay with that. I like grass and greenery too much to live in a city like New York.”
"They have parks there," Margo offered with a shrug. "But it's definitely not remotely country. I think you definitely need to check it out. I've been there a bunch of times. It's really fun, even if you don't want to live there."
“Yeah, Central Park,” that wasn’t true, there were plenty of parks and ‘green space’ but it wasn’t like being able to see nothing but green grass and blue sky for miles all around. “I probably will at some point. After you two are in college or whatever. I’ve heard there’s a huge gay bar scene and all that.”
"Good. You definitely should. We could both show you around. Or, he could." She wasn't sure if he'd want it to be a guy time thing or not. She tried not to make a face at the mention of a 'huge gay bar scene'. "Oh is there? Sounds fun." But not at all.
Well, Niki wouldn’t take Margo to the bars with him! She was not a good wingman, at all. Maybe Jesse, but probably not him either, “There’s a huge gay community there in general. It’d be interesting to see.”
"Ah." She nodded. Well, that wasn't surprising, she guessed. Big cities probably had tons of gays. "Maybe you should live there then. It'd help you find someone to date."
She had a point, “I’ll see what happens in college. More people are out there,” Niki pointed out, trying not to lament his dating life. She didn’t want to hear about it. “Anyways, it’s not like here.”
"Yeah. We might not even be planning to live in New York anyway. It's just a thought." Besides, Jesse wanted a house. But that didn't mean they couldn't spend their pre-family years in the city. "Of course it's not like here. I guess that's a good thing. I can't wait to leave." She said that without thinking. She hadn't meant to express the sentiment she had been thinking a lot lately.
“I thought you meant for college,” Niki replied, “After that, who knows? Anyways, Jesse’s from Wyoming. He might hate it there, but he has a duty to vote there once he’s 18...if only to vote against his father.”
"Oh, well, for both, I guess I meant," she told him. "We were just talking about going the other day, that's all." She shook her head. "I don't think Jesse would want to go back, even to vote against his father. I don't think he wants anything to do with any of that."
That was probably true. Niki thought he should just for that reason though. “Sounds like Jesse. He doesn’t give a damn, I do,” that was one of their biggest differences. Niki wanted desperately to please his father and it was a losing battle. Jesse didn’t care.
"Well... I think it bothers him, the way his dad treats him, but I think he tries not to let it anymore." She frowned slightly, thinking about it. Margo still wanted to meet Jesse's family, especially his dad. She was going to tell him what a mistake it was to treat Jesse that way. "Have you ever met his dad?"
Niki nodded, “Our daddy’s are friends,” he explained, “I’m pretty sure his dad recommended this school to mine when they were going to send me off,” otherwise why had this one been picked? It made no sense, “My daddy always contributes to the campaign even though he lives in a different state.”
"Oh." Margo nodded a little. "I want to tell Jesse's dad off. That's the only reason I'd ever want to meet him," she said. And maybe it was unChristian, but she would ask for forgiveness for anything she might say when she finally had her chance. "Is your father like Jesse's?"
“You and me both, honey,” Niki agreed with a laugh, “And...yeah. Not political, but yeah. Same views. Actually, our father’s would probably all get along well.”
"What is it with father's being so... so..." She couldn't find the word. Controlling maybe? "Difficult. It makes me sad. But it doesn't matter. Jesse has me now. He doesn't have to worry about his stupid father anymore."
“Exactly,” Niki agreed, twinging at her phrasing. She was right, but did she have to rub it in his face that he was alone and was no longer going to be as close with Jesse as he was? “I...ah, I better go get some homework done, or something. I’ll talk to you later, yeah?”
Margo was surprised Niki was leaving already and she frowned slightly. "Oh, I didn't mean..." She realized how it must have sounded, but she wasn't sure how to make amends without making it worse. "O-okay. Talk to you later," she repeated.