Dec 06, 2008 13:58
So today is my mom's birthday and I am really only posting because I recently (five minutes ago) got this really awesome photo of her. BACKSTORY...somehow my cousin Jaime got in contact with one of our second cousins on Facebook who lives in Italy, Castellammara to be precise. He is my great uncles grandson. Apparently my great uncle came to visit when my mom was in her early to mid twenties and he had all these pictures that his grandson now has. Anyway he sent a bunch to my cousin and she has been talking back and forth with her and my brother...Apparently he is really bored and it rained for like a whole week there so even more reason. But I thought in honor of my mom I would post this awesome picture of her with her uncle (my great uncle).
**** Okay so I am retarted or for some reason it won't upload which is a total bummer*******
I cooked a pretty awesome Birthday dinner for my mom when I was home for Thanksgiving, which include: Dilly Bread, A Great American Salad, Butternut Squash Soup, and Shepherds Pie. I invited her side of the family because I don't usually get to see them over Thanksgiving. It was really nice and everyone was all into the meal, so I was pretty pleased. I thought it was something nice to do too, because it was different and it is really hard to shop for my parents. Plus both of their birthdays are during crazy holiday time (My dad's is January 2nd)
Also while I was home for break I finally talked on the phone with this boy I had been talking to via GMail. We talked on the phone for like 3 hours and then this past Sunday we went on a Date to the Memphis Taproom. He lives down that way so then we went back to his house and I spent the night (GASP). And it has been a pretty crazy week so far, and I am just playing things as they lie. He is pretty awesome and I smile a lot more then I used to so that's a good thing right? It is.