it's been a while...and I don't feel like going to class, so I thought I would update.
Easter was pretty awesome. I stayed at my apartment and invited a few over for a little jumpin for jesus celebration of our own. Jon and JJ came over for some food, then we decided to get wasted and sing Karaoke Revolution, which I've decided is possably the best game ever made. Several others came over after I was pretty wasted (on a spiritual high of course), for more drinks and more revolution. My night couldn't have been complete without a drunken backflip, which I would have landed corectly if
lordpistachio had some faith in me and let me land on my own! I instead landed right on my toe and jammed my metatarsal. It was pretty swolen the next day, but is starting to get better...just in time for my show that's opening this weekend!
Rehearsals are going really really well these days. Last night was our first dress rehearsal and it ran pretty smoothly, with only some slight technical issues (ie. I'm half naked through the whole show, and the orchestra wasn't there...), but it's all good. Tonight the orchestra will be there, and hopefully I won't have to go bare ass backstage again, that's all I'm sayin. The campus photographer and his hot assistant, whom never stay for any productions through the second act, liked it so much they photographed the entire show. You should come see it, it's going to be a pretty cool show, and very different from what you're used to, I promise that.
APR 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 at 8pm
APR 3 at 2pm
Quirk Theatre
I had to get some headshots done the other day to send out for an audition. They were done really quickly, but tell me what you think. I have more, but these are the 2 that turned out best I think...the resolution is shitty.