"Carly, you know I would totally be more than happy to help you if I didn't think Sam Howell was really really really bad for you."Three reallys? How the hell am I supposed to turn around three reallys? For Daphne that's almost as serious as it gets. Its practically the way she would talk if she thought someone was going to embarrass her publically
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Oh crap. He's in a good mood. This whole thing is going to be a lot more upsetting to both of us if I have to kill his good mood, and I do. There's no way that Sam isn't going to immediately ask me about Daphne agreeing to switch. That's what he's here for. For the good news that doesn't exist because my so called friend is too much of a bitch to let us do the thing that makes sense.
I should kick her ass for this. I really should. Its bad enough that she says things about Sam in front of me, and says things about our relationship behind my back. Daphne not agreeing to this just takes seals the deal on how horrible she is.
"Yeah. Its...a distraction."
From being angry with her about not being able to do this project with you. I know the whole fake marriage scenario could have been extremely awkward at some points, but mostly it would have been nice. We would have had a valid excuse to spend a lot of time around each other and pretend to be getting work done.
"You've got good news for me right?... Right?"Wrong ( ... )
"Oh God, not fair." I groaned and covered my eyes, laying back on the steps and trying to figure out what the hell I was going to do. It was so perfect! The breaks, damn it! I wanted the breaks! Lots of them!
"I did the best I could. She's just determined to keep us apart."
Madsen says one word about that when I tell him, I swear, I'll just... "Damn it." Damn it damn it damn it damn it.
"Do you want to go back to my house for a while?"I don't know, right now I mostly feel like stuffing Daphne in a box and throwing the box into the ocean. Then throwing something really huge ontop of it so she never comes back up again. So some idiot can accidentally dig her up years later and unleash the second coming of Little Miss Hairspray on the world ( ... )
It might not be as bad as we're expecting it to be. Daphne and Madsen can't stand us anymore than we can stand them. Hopefully, we won't have to talk them very much, and can just focus on getting the project completed. And if Madsen starts bothering me, I'll kick his ass. All things considered, he would deserve it.
"I hate her."
"I'm not liking her much at the moment either."
"I mean, I'm sorry, I know she's your friend. But I just... I can't stand her. What the hell is she trying to do anyway? What does it accomplish?"
"She thinks I'll break up with you and date someone more acceptable to her."
That is what this is about. Daphne wants me to go out with a popular, boring, jackass of a guy. And she will be extremely pleased with that as long as the one I pick is not as cute or as popular as the one who she chooses to go out with ( ... )
"Why couldn't it go deeper than that?" It's a valid question. Because I like to think that's not going to happen. "I could at least find it less stupid if it went at least a little deeper than that."
I don't think it's too much to ask for. So I don't think Daphne's utterly full of crap, she should have something that isn't retarded.
"Its fine."
Well, at least she's less pissed than me. And she's not going to take my head off about making fun of her friend. I really don't want our first fight as boyfriend and girlfriend to be over Daphne.
Just the same, I think I'll try to make myself stop.
"Believe me, I understand the feeling, and no one can deny the hairspray rumors."
Good. She knows that. "Not rumors." I said before I could stop myself. "Fact." Jesus Howell, give it up!
"Don't let her get to you. The easiest way to put up with Daphne is to make sure she's aware that she has no power over you.""She doesn't." She just pisses me off. A lot. That's ( ... )
That means I could do it. I wonder how I could do it without getting her killed. I mean, it's not that I would mind that part, I just mind the idea of getting in trouble.
Maybe Madsen'll have a few ideas, or Nick, or something. I'll talk it over with them later on.
"But if you do it, make sure you don't get caught."
"I'll work something out." Maybe I'll just find a way to scare her. It would be perfect. A near head-on-fire experience. I could live with that one.
"I promise, no matter what, no one'll connect you to it." Especially if we got caught, it would be pretty bad for her for thinking it up in the first place. So I'd keep her out of it.
"What if we worked together and didn't tell Daphne?"How does that work? I mean, I'll say yes anyway, because then that means breaks for Sam, so it works for me. But I'm not sure I get where she's going with that one ( ... )
"Oh." That sounds good, actually. And she could get annoyed over it, even better. Pissing Daphne off works for me. A lot.
And it'll work for Madsen too, so he'll agree to it. Especially since it means not working alone with Carly, which I'm sure he's all for. They'd fight, or worse, and then I'd either be dealing with a pissed off girlfriend or a dead best friend.
Yeah, this is better.
"If you do it first, she'd have to."
"And if she says she won't, you take our work to Carmichael and tell him that she won't cooperate."
I'm not the type of guy who tells on people, but even that part sounds good to me. It's Daphne, my usual ethics regarding talking to teachers are gonna take a hike on this one. I can live with it.
"Either way, you'd get the project done.""I like it." I grinned, and then saw her house. Alright, so it's not completely uncomfortable as it was being here ( ... )
"Good. We'll try it."
All we have to do is convince Madsen that its a good idea. Correction, all Sam has to do is convince Madsen that its a good idea. I couldn't talk Madsen into anything, and that's fine by me. As long as someone can do it, this is all going to be fine. With the way things are going now, they might even be more than fine.
The might actually be good.
"Come on."
He's not intimidated by it anymore? That's...more proof that this is going to be good. The last time Sam came over, it was a disaster. He was mad at Madsen, I tried too hard to make things right, and it didn't go very well. He hated being in there, which was the least of our problems, but it didn't help anything either. So if Sam telling me that he wants to go in means that he's over my Dad's stupidly big house, then its a good sign for us.
Its not like I can just move. I already did that once this year. I'm not going anywhere for a while.
"We should, y'know, get started, and crap like that.""Yeah, you're right. If we get to work on it ( ... )
That doesn't bother me. I know that's her biggest concern right now, and that's alright. My biggest concern is not having to work with Daphne. Because I can't be held responsible for what I'd do before and/or after to this girl if I have to.
And the breaks. Another concern of mine is the breaks. So she's not the only one with slightly self involved priorities going on over here, y'know?
"Hello Caroline, how was your day?"
Hey, it's John. I don't mind John. John and Marie seem to be alright with me, and they're one of the few things about this house that doesn't bother me all that much.
But everything else screams insanely rich, and technically I don't exactly have a home, so it still throws me off a little.
I'm working on getting past it for Carly, but I think it's going to take a couple of tries. I can make it work though. This isn't a bad way to start.
"It started out rocky, but things are good now. You remember Sam, right ( ... )
"Yeah. I think its exactly as new to me as it is to you."
Before Sam, the last time I had a boy in my bedroom was Caleb. We were playing hide and seek. And I'm pretty sure that we thought each other had cooties at the time. So its been a while. I don't drag guys up here very often, project or otherwise. We stayed in the family room at my old house. Living here, there's a distinct lack of a "family" room, so this is fine. More than fine. Being up here means having some privacy. I mean, its not like that, but it is a little bit similar to it. He's my boyfriend ( ... )
Good. Then I'm not the only one who has no idea what the hell is going on. I'm so bad at this, it's freakin' insane.
And it's not like I really have anyone I can ask about this crap. Madsen wouldn't know, and I really doubt he's going to tell me anything to help anyway. Johnny's just as bad. Ryan never dates. Nick... Yeah. So they know even less than I do.
"Its not bad though."
It's not. It's just weird. And it freaks me the hell out, because it's weird, and I keep feeling like any second it could go straight to hell. And it really really could, so it's not like that's an unfounded fear or anything.
... Okay, not fear. Fear makes it sound pathetic.
I need another word to replace 'fear'. I'm not afraid here. I'm just freaked out. There is a difference.
"I mean, I don't think its bad. Do you?""What? No." No. I don't want her thinking I think anything about this is bad. It's just really new to me. And I don't want to mess it up. It could be really great, I don't doubt that ( ... )
Good. We're okay. For a second there I thought he might be looking to explain why he doesn't think this is going to work out, but he's not. He's just uncomfortable, which once again, is my fault. I keep pushing him, and I need to stop doing that. I need to stop because if I keep it up, Sam is just going to get sick of me altogether and then I'll have to blame myself for chasing him away. And that is the last thing in the world that I want to do.
"No, I'm just...I'm just really new to this."That makes two of us. Personally, I think its a good thing. We're both in the same place. I'd rather it be like this than have one of us be more experienced than the other. I'd probably be worried I was going to move too slow for him if he knew more about dating than I do. We should probably be more at ease knowing that we're on the same level ( ... )
She does? I make sense, and I'm not being laughed at, all at the same time? Maybe the honest thing isn't so bad after all. Or maybe it is, and it just isn't this time.
"You know, I still feel really new here. I have some friends, my grades are okay, I've managed to stay out of trouble for the most part... but that's all the usual for me, you know?"
And getting bad grades, and getting in trouble, are the usual for me. At least I had the friends thing in common with that one. But my friends aren't exactly like her friends, so even there, it's different.
Wow. The more I think about it, the more insanely different we sound. I should stop thinking about it.
If I keep thinking about it, I'm going to keep thinking about how I'm incredibly lucky to have gotten this far with her at all. Wow. Just... Freakin'... Wow.
"You're kinda... You're the first really good thing that has happened to me in a long time. I don't want to mess it up either."... Oh. Well. I'm a really good thing to someone. Me. I think I should get that, ( ... )
Really? He feels the same? That's good. I feel less stupid if my lame moment is a mutual thing. Mutual means Sam can't be freaked out by me saying it. It also means he wants this to work out too, which is even better. We might actually stand a chance at not ruining this if we're both concerned with making it work.
I returned the kiss with one of my own, forgetting all about whatever we came here for. Sam keeps getting better and better at this. I don't know what he's so worried about.
...I wonder how many there were before me.
No, I don't. Wondering that kind of thing is just asking for trouble. I can't do that now, I just told him how much I don't want to mess it up. So I need to forget that I ever wondered how many girls there were before this, because they're not here now, are they?
And in a way, that's really all that counts. Right?
"So if I'm, y'know, screwing up or anything, let me know, alright?""You're doing everthing right so far." Could it have really been that many if he thinks he's going to ( ... )
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