Feb 04, 2005 22:34
Just finished showering off that nasty stench of doughnuts and coffee. This week has been pretty busy. New schedule and all. I have Journalism now, which is pretty cool. only like 10 people in the class. Oh yeah and got my report card. I did really good, and i'm proud of myself!
I went to hear an iraqi vet speak which was cool. He wasn't the best speaker though. Left early cuz i had to work on my Model UN paper thingy. International Monetary Funds for Syria???
Wednesday night i had work and prom committee. That was cool, cuz Chelsea joined Prom Committee and yeah. Sellage of Flowers... oh yeah. V-day 2005. and i'm dateless. No but i now have a date for Prom! yeah my awesome awesome friend Zac. He's a cool cat with red hair. Idk, kinda like him, maybe not, idk. Only time will tell.
Thursday i had my Intro to American Gov class at the college and he let us out early to go see Richard Clarke speak, if we wanted to. and of course i had to go, well i did wanna go, but my dad got the tickets and talked to me about it. He was really good and I learned a lot about that damned Administration... bastards. But yeah idk if i like my American Gov. class cuz its kinda boring... idk.
Gonna go get my Prom dress tomorrow morning and then hanging out with the grand Hallie Leonard and Allison Cockshaw whom i havn't seen since the beginning of summer! so i'm excited.
Sunday is SuperBowl Sunday. Go Pats! i'm excited. I never really liked football, but now its really starting to grow on me. Yeah so thats pretty much it.
<3 peace.sex.love.
Yeah i definitly am getting Chicago tickets!! I can't wait. It's gonna be fucking amazing!