shake it while its hot BIOTCH!!

Aug 30, 2005 20:30

today kids, i think we need to talk about a very important subject.....SEX.

well now that i got your attention, how are you today? haha, i think theres some little light in the human brain that lights up and makes you pay attention when you hear/see the work SEX. god this world is falling apart i swear...but hey, at least your taking the time to read this boring thing! thank you for that. well i had a normal day in school..nothing exciting, just the regular stuff. i <3 the way my photogram turned out! i changed my tongue ring last night... the balls feel bigger, but there plastic so they arent clinking my teeth, very cool. umm i took some pictures tonight, of the animals...they were so cute. i feel so fat, i know i should stop eating or something, but i just talked to a certain friend about starving themselves, so for me to do it wouldnt be a good idea. water is a good thing tho, i should definetly drink more of it. casey is gonna be here soon...which will be nice, because i really need a hug! i dont know why, im in a good mood n all but i need a hug anyways! hmm i think that im going to go to sleep early tonight, i need a little extra sleep. =)

i guess im going to go, because i need to get off the computer, its starting to annoy me...
chelsea <3
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