Aug 07, 2011 07:42
Age: early 20's or so
Height: Averageish? I'm spitballing 5'8" here, but don't hold me to that.
Weight: Possibly a little underfed. I mean, he's led a pieless existence.
Medical Info: Aside from the whole "horrible Darkspawn taint" in his blood, nothing of note.
Eyes: brown
Hair: medium blonde
Physical traits: Pulls his hair back in a ponytail and sports a rather shiny earring in his right ear. Wears green and gold Tevinter mage robes.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: I wouldn't have apped Anders from DA:A with a DA:II cast if I wasn't up for drama bombs from the future being dropped on him. So that's totally fair game, but as usual I hate doing fourth-wall breaky stuff.
Abilities: Oh christ. He's a Dragon Age mage, which means he's ridiculously game-breakingly brokenly overpowered. And he's from the Awakening expansion which means that he's high level with access to more broken skill trees. In loosest terms, know that he can use his magic to deal elemental or spiritual damage, but his particular forte is healing.
He can probably ... craft ... stuff? I don't make use of the system, whoops.
He is, however, terrible at drinking and card games.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: In Dragon Age, demons are particularly drawn to mages and attempt to posess them. It's a thing. Plus he's been tainted by the Darkspawn as part of the whole Grey Warden deal, so psychics/magicky sensitive people will be able to sense a "darkness" in him that will consume him about thirty years from now. Fun!
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: haha, yeah he probably deserves it. Talk to me beforehand on bodyswapping and shapeshifting, though.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: yes please
Maim/Murder/Death: Oh yeah, he's fair game for this. Again, just gimme a heads up.
Cooking: He strikes me as a "whatever I can steal from the kitchen" sort.
Other: Timeliney stuff! Anders is being taken from one of the endings of Awakening which was retconned out of existence by Dragon Age II (he's staying, or rather will go back to, the Wardens, and Justice died protecting Vigil's Keep). But that doesn't mean I am wholly ignoring DAII. I'm only mostly ignoring it. So if you were worried, yes, things like his relationship with Karl are definitely part of his backstory canon.