i'm one of those sick people you rapidly stop feeling sorry for and hope they just die. quietly.

Nov 22, 2013 18:25

Ugh, bladder infections: worst ever or WORST EVAAR.  I want someone to knock me out until this is over.  Yesterday I was so dehydrated and feverish I didn't even realize what was going on, so I would try to get up only for my bp to bottom out.  That's super fun, let me tell you.  The room starts to spin, then your vision goes, you feel nauseous and like you're heart is going to pound out of your chest and the next thing you know you're lying on the floor outside your bathroom praying for it to end.

There is one upside to being sick, though, and that is that I didn't smoke a single cigarette yesterday, and I only had one today and don't care to repeat that experience.  This may be what I need to quit!

I've been catching up on Sleepy Hollow to distract my self and I just have to say:

[Spoiler (click to open)]
So apparently they spoke Middle English in a four-hundred year old colony? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  I know there is a certain type of person that this would drive absolutely up the wall, apparently I am not this person.  I swear, shit like this just makes me love this show more.  How much more batshit and ridonkulous can things get?  I can't wait!

how do i quit how how?!, life, sleepy hollow, tv

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