Oct 08, 2010 21:37
OK, having rehearsed this little speech in my own room, and somehow been overheard... [BLUSH]
Hi! I'm Paul, and I'm the chairbod, membership secretary, *and* hotel liason for this convention. Since even my head is only big enough for three hats, I refuse to be programming bod as well, so it's going to be a free-form convention this weekend. If anyone wants to throw together a program item, just jump in and do it. =:o} My qualifications: I have previously chaired a UK filk con which was a bit less virtual than this one, but probably more exhausting! =8o}
I'm also a Brit, a singer (baritone; usually of my own songs), and a Doctor Who nut.
You'll mostly find me either waiting in line at the bar, or slumped in the lounge with a pot of tea and some sandwiches, or else hurtling up and down the corridor between my room and the main hall, usually carrying every item I need *except one*...
Hugs, back-rubs and re-assurances that It Will Have Been Fun are all very welcome! =:o}