yay for 3 day weekends!

Sep 06, 2004 11:38

alright. so. FRIDAY night was silly. I went to see "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" at the Russel House (yay for free movies!) and it was really good. Then I came back here and Molly and I ate too much candy. Then a bunch of us went to go get icecream....

And heres a tip:
When playing chinese fire drill, it is important to make sure that the owner of the car is safely inside the vehicle before accelerating.

nuff said.

Anyway, we got back and watched Moulin Rouge. Well the girls and Greg (Tim's friend from Charleston who is SO transferring here) watched Moulin Rouge... the boys said he was dumb, I'm not so sure though, I mean he was in a room full of girls... haha.

SATURDAY. Saturday I woke up, showered, and then went and got lunch and went to watch the game with some CRU people. We were destroying Vanderbilt so at half time Ashley and I decided to leave for VTech. (We were gonna leave after the game). The car ride there was great. 7:00 we got there and had dinner with her friends. Then I found Marcus Ben and Jesse and I hung out with them the rest of the night. It was nice to see familiar faces from home. I slept in Jesses bed and Jesse slept in Evans bed because Evan is the weirdest kid ever. haha.

SUNDAY. Woke up, went to Church with Jesse and Marcus. Found Steve. Ate lunch with Steve and Marcus then just walked around for a while. Saw some people I had met the first time I was at tech. Found NICK! talked to him illegally (cause steve isn't supposed to talk to him cause he's an upperclassman.) Met back up with Ashley and her friends. Had some icecream. Got my stuff from Jesse, left around 5. HERES WHERE IT GETS FUN... haha.
On the way home Ashley and I listened to some really awesome mix CDs (one of them courtesy of laura s... thanks babe I miss you!) And sang all of the songs at the top of our lungs... for like 2 hours. no kidding! haha. EVEN HANSON. Gosh! I can't wait for all my friends at home to meet Ashley, I feel like I've known her forever and she will fit in really great with everyone that I miss back home. Then we were almost home and I was on the phone with Alicia (roomie) and we missed the exit. So we went wayyyy far down and had to exit by the airport and drive to campus. Ash almost ran a red light. That had been red for quite some time... BUT we saw KRISPY KREME and got donuts. And SWEET hats. haha. goodtimes.

and now its MONDAY but I dont have classes... but i have work to do like woah.
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