Bitter Berry Bliss: Production Days 2 & 3

Mar 09, 2010 18:30

After a great first, but easy, day of filming for Bitter Berry Bliss, it was time to get together more actors, more costumes, come up with more effects, and finally tackle what the film is all about...which I'm really not quite sure what that is. But it's going to be good. Had a pretty large crew for Friday night's shoot, but still didn't get everything done. Canceled Saturday's shoot and ended up filming pretty late on Sunday.So click the cut and check out some pictures...there's a whole bunch of me in a ridiculous costume.

Friday, March 5th: Day 2

We picked up this costume on Thursday from a store in Milwaukee. The rental fee was $40 and the replacement fee was $1,400. It was quite raggedy and clearly pretty old. Not sure why it was so much. I call bullshit. Still, we were quite careful with it.

The outfit is complete!

Kenny and I headed out to set up over at Maria's apartment.

...and by "set up", I really mean sit down.

He used to hate me but now I believe we're becoming pretty close!

Mmmmm, appealing.

I can't help but think of that HORSE the band picture.

So ridiculous.

This too.

Chloeee. I've never worked with her before this shoot but I dig her quite a bit. Too bad she's moving out to L.A. next month.

No matter how fun film making is, there is always waiting. We waited for about three hours and I'm pretty sure I fell asleep.

Couldn't stop laughing. We had to make my costume more plump so we had to stuff it with things and Kenny kept on saying "No, get your white ass over here so I can stuff you," or "I'm fucking great at stuffing". Only a few other people found it funny. Kenny wasn't one of them.

Intellectual thoughts.

Sweet lighting.

Basically, my role is just to be this guy dressed up as an animal who spazzes out and dies.


Probably my favourite picture from the day. So many colorsss.

Got done around 2 and headed back to Chris / Quinn's place. Chilled there for a while and Kyle, Rick, and I headed back to the Falls around 3 Goodnights.

Saturday, March 6th

The shoot for the morning / afternoon had been canceled and I had already taken off work. But that's alright because I checked my e-mail and saw that ChaCha had accepted me into their program. So I spent much of the day figuring that out and began answering questions and getting $$$. Cool stuff. At around 9, Amber came over so we could talk about some things that needed to be talked about.
We also went over to WalMart and got dinner for ourselves. Then we came back and watched Bad Biology. After that, we chilled for a bit and went to sleep. It felt nice sleeping next to her again.

image Click to view

Sunday, March 7th: Production Day 3

We woke up and ate breakfast and watched Drag Me to Hell.

She got ready for work and headed out. So, so beautiful.

At around 4:00, I headed over to Kyle's and we went down to Milwaukee for Day 3 of shooting.

Got suited up, put the set together, starting to fall into rhythm.

Also, we decided that I have the most physically demanding role in the film. On Friday, I had to put toothpaste and water in my mouth and spit it out as I convulsed. The same thing for Sunday's shoot. Except for the second time, I went full out...I also had a chair thrown at my head. The footage looks great, though. Haha.

Mariaaaa, our new AD. I like her too.


Greg Borkman...interesting character.

Trip-out scene. It's going to look sooo cool.

Rick impersonating the sun?

Family shot!

best. ever.


bitter berry bliss

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