Oct 03, 2006 05:02
Well, yesterday was my first day on a one month contract. My ex girlfriend missed her 3am shuttle, so I wound up giving her a ride to the airport. This put me shy of sleep for the day, but I perservered.
The place is called Hartung glass & they basically make/cut flat glass for commercial businesses. My role their is to help provide support during a few server migrations ( going to bigger and better Servers for e-mail and scanned documents). Today mostly consisted of building a form in Excel, calling as many employees as I could reach to get windows login info, and then recording that data in the form. The main challenge lay in the fact that it was my first day; many of the employees were hesistant ( and rightly so) to give out their windows login info to someone they had never heard of. But, I got all except 6 of them.
One odd thing I had not expected; I truly am a contractor, so I have to create an invoice each week, and they will be paying me directly - I have to figure out my own taxes, etc. This is a new experience, but my former instructor said he will walk me through it. I'll have to make sure to set aside Uncle Sam's cut for tax filing in April.
The only initial gripe I have is the commute; I'm leaving Gig Harbor at 6am, and get there at 8am, even with carpooling. We leave at 5 & I got home today around 6:45. Talk about little time to handle chores, let alone hurry along the packing, since I have to be out of here by Sunday. It looks like Saturday will become mad packing day.
If nothing else, while I was bloody tired when I got home, it felt good to be out working again. Now, if I can get my sleeping schedule worked out, I should be fine ( went to bed at 9-woke up at 2:30 am & couldnt get back to sleep).