Christmas Family Photo: Final Result!

Feb 01, 2015 03:47

After another six and a half hours of uninterrupted work on this goddamn picture, I have a headache and my neck hurts and my hand is dying - but the masterpiece is finally finished!
It surprises me yet again what an awfully slow drawer I am. It would probably be healthier and save a lot of time if I gave up drawing. But it's not something I can give up that easily. It's not as bad as my writing addiction, but similar. If I could never draw again, I'd feel crippled. If I could never write again, I'd feel dead.

BUT to present this picture on a lighter note without asking my voice of reason if it was really worth all that time and effort, let's start by saying that I'm actually quite happy with the result. It's certainly not one of those "OMG-I-didn't-know-I-was-THAT-GOOD!"-pictures, but it looks almost exactly like it did in my imagination, so I call it a win. I really like how Ryo's pullover turned out, too. I've never drawn such a pullover before and I thought it would be complicated and that I would totally fail, but it was actually very simple (and fun, too) and in the end I was positively surprised about the result.

It was also fun to draw these four totally different facial expressions xD I love creating FAKE fanart. The fandom makes it so easy to get ideas for hilarious scenes. And hilarious scenes are always the most fun to draw, in my opinion. Followed by kissing scenes.

And since fun is all that really counts, I think drawing is actually worth the ridiculous amount of time and work it takes. Looks like I reached a conclusion. *nods to herself* Especially if I can make other people smile, too! :)

(Oh, of course I already uploaded it to my FAKE fanpage and on Deviantart.)

Now please excuse me while I drop dead of exhaustion.

[Merry Christmas! (You better worship it, or else...)]

fake, picture, christmas, fanpage, fanart, gimp

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