My december: Presents, snow and frozen lettuce

Dec 25, 2012 19:15

Wow! I got such awesome presents this year!
Best of all are probably the Black Butler DVDs, followed closely by the manga "Carnival" and the graphic tablet. Besides, I got orange marzipan, a calendar, a christmassy tea bag collection and a teddy bear that can be used as a desktop cleaner.
You can see it all down here:

I've already drawn something with the graphic tablet and it looks a bit like modern art:

If I was a famous artist, I could probably sell this for a few million dollars. But then again, famous artists can sell everything for a few million dollars!
My sister got a guitar by the way and was playing on it all evening (in Germany, we get the presents on christmas eve, not in the morning of christmas day). And our little cat Steffi was so cute! She tried to unwrap all the presents by herself, haha. Steffi loves christmas.

Unfortunately, we didn't have a white christmas, but that's normal here. Anyway, a few weeks before, we had some snow!

And we even baked christmas cookies this year! We always want to do that, but somehow never found the time to do it in the past few years. It's always so stressful in December. But this year, we did it! Hooray! Cookies for the win!

We also went to the christmas market - something that we didn't manage every year either.

Oh and by the way brit_columbia, you're not the only one who managed to freeze lettuce by accident! It happened to my father as well. He noticed it when he wanted to prepare his super glorious christmas menu today. It consisted of three courses: The first was a pear salad with walnut oil, chopped nuts, black pepper and lamb's lettuce. And that was the lettuce that froze in our fridge! But fortunately, not all of it was frozen, so we still had some lettuce for the first course.
(For those who are interested in food: the second course was duck breast with potato and bread dumplings, red cabbage and a very delicious sauce made of oranges and red wine. And the dessert were baked apples with honey, dried berries and nuts. Damn, writing all this down makes me hungry again!)

I could go on and on and on like this, but I would probably just bore you to death. So tell me, how was your christmas? (And no, this is not just some empty set phrase, but I really want to know! :D)

diary, cats, christmas, food, gimp

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