Writing Update #11

Jul 29, 2014 22:26

Happy birthday to me! I'm 19 now. Guh, I'm old!
I edited a lot on my story this week and deleted about half of it, 90 pages out of approximately 200. Well, I didn't delete them, I just cut them out and put them in another document in case I still need the scenes later.
I decided to use only two POVs in my story now, which means that many scenes from other POVs will fall away. So this is why I have lots of editing to do.
Oh, and I also wrote about two pages this week. I have to re-write a lot, but I feel a little more liberated now that I'm not using so many POVs anymore.

On another note, our Steffi will get put to sleep on Friday. She's just so ill that every effort to make her life longer will only make her suffer more. I'm really sad about letting her go, but I only want the best for her. This way, she's going to go to cat heaven in a peaceful way and we all get to say goodbye to her properly.

diary, writing updates, cats

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