Drabble #134 - Blueberries

Jul 23, 2014 23:43


Characters/Pairings: Dee/Ryo, Bikky
Warnings: None
Timeline: After Like, Like, Love
Spoilers: To the whole series, basically

"Dee, did YOU buy all those blueberries?"

"Yeah, why?" When Dee entered the kitchen, Ryo pointed at his very full grocery bag. "Because I bought a lot of them, too. They're basically the only fruit Bikky likes, so..."

Dee frowned. "Well, that sucks. Now how are we gonna eat 'em all before they get spoiled?"

"Maybe we could make blueberry jam... or muffins..."

Suddenly Bikky stormed in, waving around a plastic bag. "Guys, guess what! Carol's aunt bought too many blueberries, so she allowed me to take some of 'em home!"

Dee looked at Ryo. "Let's make jam AND muffins."

(Author's Notes: Yes, I do include all my daily little problems in my drabbles... after all, why not? :D )

a drabble a day, fake

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