Drabble #125 - The New Guy, Part Six

Jul 14, 2014 22:15

The New Guy, Part Six

Characters/Pairings: Zac, Dee/Ryo
Warnings: Implied sexual stuff, but very mild
Timeline: After Like, Like, Love
Spoilers: None

"Dammit...", Zac sighed, rummaging around on his desk, "Ryo, could you borrow me a rubber? I forgot mine at home."

"Err, sorry, but I'm not carrying one with me today", Ryo replied, flustered.

Suddenly Dee entered the room. "Dee, mate!", Zac said, "Could YOU borrow me a rubber?"

Dee snorted in amusement. "Sorry dude, you have to ask someone else there!"

Zac sighed again and went to the door.

"Dee, could he be talking about an eraser?", Ryo whispered.

"Jeez, you're right! Hey Zac-"

But Zac was already yelling out into the hallway: "Does anyone have a rubber for me?"

(Author's Notes: Poor Zac's embarrassing moments never end! xD )

a drabble a day, fake

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