Drabble #112 - Soup, Part Two

Jul 01, 2014 12:03

Soup, Part Two

Characters/Pairings: Dee/Ryo
Warnings: Swearing
Timeline: After the manga
Spoilers: Not really

Dee stared at Ryo in surprise, his soup-dilemma temporarily forgotten. "That was the first time you kissed me in public!" Then he frowned. "I'm terribly annoying sometimes, right?"

"Sometimes, yes", Ryo confirmed with a little smile. "Have you calmed down now?"

"Kinda... But I still want my soup!"

"Oh stop it. Don't make me kiss you again."

Dee's eyes widened. "You know, actually I'm still REALLY mad about this whole soup-thing! Shit, I think I'll throw a tantrum!"

"Cut it out already. You'll get another kiss at home."




Who needed soup when you could have kisses, anyway...?

(Author's Notes: Oh Ryo, what have you done? Now Dee will always get worked up over the smallest things just so he gets more kisses! Maybe you should change your tactic and smack him instead, that will leave him stunned, too...)

a drabble a day, fake

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