Drabble #111 - Soup

Jun 30, 2014 13:15


Characters/Pairings: Dee/Ryo
Warnings: Swearing
Timeline: After the manga
Spoilers: None

Sometimes Ryo wondered why he even put up with Dee. Their day had been stressful enough and to make it all worse, the place that sold Dee's favourite noodle soup had already closed.

Dee was fuming. "Who the hell do they think they are?! I want my soup! God, this day can't get any worse!"

"You take the words right out of my mouth", Ryo muttered.

"I swear, I'm gonna sue them! Do you think I can sue them?"

Ryo sighed in exasperation. Wasn't there a way to shut Dee up?! Oh wait - there was.

Surprise kisses always worked wonders.

(Author's Notes: When nothing else works, there's still this one trick that helps... ;D)

a drabble a day, fake

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