Writing Update #6

Jun 09, 2014 21:41

As I feared, this week was not as good as last week. I wrote about 5 and a half pages (which is one scene) so that means that chapter 10 is now almost 17 pages long. The good thing was, the scene was fun to write. But the bad thing was that I had to rewrite it so often because I was never satisfied with the result ._. I'm still not super-satisfied with the final outcome but I won't change it again, at least not now. Do you experience writing problems like that as well? Scenes that you're just never 100% happy with? :'D

Besides, I had a really big thing on my mind this week so I couldn't concentrate on my story as much... But hopefully (fingers crossed) this "big thing" will have its happy ending tomorrow so I can concentrate more on my writing again.

Now before I make up any more excuses - thanks for reading! x'D

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