Drabble #79 - The Honeymoon Adventures, Part 2: Attacked in Hawaii

May 29, 2014 16:32

The Honeymoon Adventures, Part 2: Attacked in Hawaii

Characters/Pairings: Dee/Ryo
Warnings: None
Timeline: Some years after Like, Like, Love (after Dee and Ryo's marriage)
Spoilers: To the whole series

Strolling along a picturesque Hawaiian beach, Ryo glanced at Dee wih concern. He was walking a little too close to the gently swaying palm trees than Ryo was comfortable with.

"Dee, don't you remember that people get killed by falling coconuts?"

"Don't worry! When a coconut falls, I'll simply catch it and then we'll have a nice - whoa!"

Suddenly a coconut fell and Dee spontaneously changed his mind, leaping out of harm's way. He looked around anxiously. "Where is it?"

"Don't worry, it won't attack you again", Ryo laughed with relief, "Now come here before you really get hit!"

To be continued...

(Author's Notes: I don't know about you, but I envy them SO much - I want to go to Hawaii, too! )

a drabble a day, fake, the honeymoon adventures

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