Drabble #40 - Turn Back Time

Apr 20, 2014 18:50


Turn Back Time

Characters/Pairings: Bikky/Carol
Warnings: None
Timeline: After Like Like Love
Spoilers: To the whole series, especially Like Like Love

Carol sat on the old rooftop, waiting for Bikky who came home from Los Angeles today. They wanted to meet here, their former favourite meeting place, and relive old memories - pretend they were still teenagers and forget that Bikky had to leave again after summer break.

„Hey, Carol!“ Bikky climbed onto the rooftop and greeted her with a kiss. „Look, I stole some wine from Ryo again, like in the old days!“

Carol punched him playfully, grinning. „That's mean, Bikky! Aren't you old enough to buy your own alcohol?“

Bikky grinned back. „But that wouldn't be authentic, would it?“

(Author's Notes: Let's hope Bikky will be able to move back to New York soon - those two belong together!)

a drabble a day, fake

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