Drabble #9 - Captain Jack

Mar 19, 2014 09:30

Captain Jack

Characters/Pairings: Dee/Ryo
Warnings: None
Timeline: During or after the manga
Spoilers: None - or maybe a little for Torchwood...

„You know, this Captain Jack reminds me of you somehow.“

„You mean Jack Sparrow?“ Dee frowned. „Dude, is that a compliment or an insult?“

„It's Captain Jack Sparrow“, Ryo corrected, snickering. „But to be honest, I was talking about Jack Harkness. You remember, that guy from Torchwood - he's flirtatious, sometimes a little reckless, stubborn... just like you.“

„Ah, I remember. But I'm still not sure if you're trying to mock me or compliment me.“ Suddenly, Dee grinned. „But hey, he's an action hero, immortal, and saves the world on a daily basis! Yup, you're right, that sounds like me!“

(Author's Notes: If you don't know who Captain Jack Sparrow is - go watch Pirates of the Caribbean! NOW!)

a drabble a day, fake, pirates of the caribbean, torchwood

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