My first kiss went a little like this...

Nov 15, 2013 09:16

Yaaay, I had my first kiss yesterday!! Oh my God! First kiss with 18 - pretty late, I know. Tell me if you're shocked xD
But oh jeez... he totally surprised me xD In a positive way, of course.

Do you still remember your first kiss? (I hope so!) How was it for you?? ^_^

By the way, I decided to quit college by the end of the year. I'll do a correspondence course on Creative Writing, and I'll try to get a job to pay my parents back. I told my parents yesterday. Of course, they aren't exactly thrilled and want me to think about it some more (But I can understand them, I mean college isn't cheap). Well they are kind of disappointed, but they accept my decision.

diary, relationshit

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